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4.3.4 Cataclysm Core


Trial Member
A warm welcome and a happy new year to everyone!

We would like to sell access to our 4.3.4 Cataclysm core including latest database and all the data files. (DBC, maps, mmaps, vmaps)

According to the commitlog, it was used by Atlantiss until the late of 2021, it then got further developed by 2 dev‘s (including me).

Fully working alliance version of Vashj'ir INCLUDING the ship intro & quest achievement - (properly scripted, not hackfixed - Horde version still under construction).

Vanilla - Wrath content is insanely well done, can for sure compete with the big boy servers out there.

Dungeons are really good after entirely reworking every single one of them (timers, combatAI, spawns, mini-events).

Quest content overall is VERY well done, including proper phasings for Twilight Highlands, the capital city phasing for the portals and so on.

Firelands is currently getting some missing fixes (Alysrazor, Shannox and Ragnaros) which will be finished around mid of january.

Dragonsoul is working properly, including cosmetics and all the tiny events in between.

Full commitlog is available.

The core has some custom features like;

* Custom transmog

* Racial switch npc

* Duel-reset script

* Arena dampening system

* Crossfaction battlegrounds

Why to buy from us;

  • We offer quick and excellent services (bug reports are getting fixed asap)
  • Custom coding requests and implementation service (not included, custom requests will be extra charged & can be declined from our team) - unique implementations only for you, they will not be shared with anyone else.
  • Limited amount of sales to prevent leaks
  • **Daily updates included for customers.
  • Fast and reliable support (maximum of 6-8 hours)
  • Guaranteed customer satisfaction
  • Compile services aswell as helping you setting up the core for you and your friends or the public
  • 3 happy customers (carefully selected by our team)
  • More expansions coming in the future, let‘s build a long-term partnership
  • Test before you buy - we got a dedicated host for in-depth testing
  • Attention to detail

We offer a new years discount of € 50 until the 12th of january.

Thank you and best regards

** Updates are only available to customers who purchase the full package - not the regular version.

Discord: chronos_wow


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
this source is tlanttiscore, and its really sux. Incomplet areas, incomplete quest and much more.... aim add crossfaction for him... not payment is skamer.... much bugs important.. not stable... memory leak and more and more... not selling tis :)