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WTB working Cata 4.3.4 sources


Trial Member
I'm looking to buy a 4.3.4 sources. Source must be in decent working order. Please don't waste my time and don't try to sell me Preservation TrinityCore or something like that.

  • Git repository with adequate commit names, full support for Trinity's update system.
  • The code must be written according to the basic standards of Trinity. So that my developers can make changes effectively.
  • The core should be optimized enough not to crash when online with 1000+- players.
  • No critical memory leaks
  • After purchasing the sources, I want updates for a certain time to receive updates.
  • Lack of custom unoptimized systems.
  • The performance of low level content and endgame should be at a high level.
  • There should be no critical bugs that break the gameplay. If they are, then you must mention it.
  • At my request, the seller must provide me with access to a demo server so that I can verify that it works.
If your sources fit the requirements. PM me the details, including the price, what works and basic information.