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  1. Spikey

    WOTLK Image pack

    LOL I'm guessing not, This was worth a shot oh well.
  2. Spikey

    WOTLK Image pack

    Anyone have an image pack for wotlk I'm working on a project and so far its been a pain in the @ss to find these. Thanks
  3. Spikey

    Azerothcore 3.3.5 Npcbots, Transmog and Ahbot New source

    Sorry all for the late reply been out of state for a while, what you can do is go into the database and change the owner I haven't run into that before but I'm sure that should work, I will look into it for a better answer to this.
  4. Spikey

    Azerothcore 3.3.5 Npcbots, Transmog and Ahbot New source

    I know no news is good news but. If anyone is using this repack let me know if all is working ok, I wanted to add a solocraft or arena mod to my next repack
  5. Spikey

    Azerothcore 3.3.5 Npcbots, Transmog and Ahbot New source

    It;s been a while been busy working on other projects, My last repack here was Trinitycore with npcbots someone asked for Transmog mod I had some dificulties doing it then I moved on to a new project for a friend anyhow with that said. AZEROTHCORE: 3.3.5 source as of 10/22/23 Latest NPCBOT...
  6. Spikey

    WoW Private Server Website - BlizzCMS

    TBO this guy must not be around anymore lol his links died a week after he posted this release and has not replied to anyone since
  7. Spikey

    WoW Private Server Website - BlizzCMS

    I'm going to be honest with you I don't think this build is the same one but I like it everything works have not tested the store item to char in game yet, I don't know what the file name was for this build otherwise I would look for it., if anyone knows let me know.
  8. Spikey

    WoW Private Server Website - BlizzCMS

    Yes and no here's a quick install tip, unzip the file then go into your database and create an empty database name it whatever you want, all asume you have a webserver such as wamp or appserv etc place the unzip file in you docs folder, go into your website folder >applications\config\ edit your...
  9. Spikey

    WoW Private Server Website - BlizzCMS

    I am pretty sure its this one as I have so many I grabed a while back I have almost all the webcms builds from the last few years here you go Blizzcmscata Download, hope this is the one you all are looking for let me know if it is.
  10. Spikey

    WoW Private Server Website - BlizzCMS

    I don't know if anyone was still looking for this CMS I found it in my archive and can share it let me know
  11. Spikey

    TrinityCore 335 NPCBOTS Repack latest source as of 4_19_22

    I am very happy you all liked this repack I'm going to be updating it soon so stay tuned
  12. Spikey

    FusionCMS - Theme Monster-WoW

    nice work
  13. Spikey

    Apple mac launcher for 434 Cata

    My apple client for cata 434 no longer works with the newer OS version does anyone know of a newer mac launcher ?
  14. Spikey

    TrinityCore 335 NPCBOTS Repack latest source as of 4_19_22

    Well I am curious cause the instructions I have found don't work so hopefully he can shed some light on it.
  15. Spikey

    Blizzcms Help!

    Sorry for the late reply, the issue is everything works except when purchasing something from store it takes the credits and does not deliver item in game so is it that I am I not configuring the store correctly ? Or are there any pointers on the item section that says (command) do I add item...
  16. Spikey

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    Thanks this is pretty cool
  17. Spikey

    TrinityCore 335 NPCBOTS Repack latest source as of 4_19_22

    Transmog was and older mod and even though I found the patch to install it the mod was made for an older version of TC335 I'm having issues trying to adapt it to the newer build unless someone knows of an updated patch for this I don't see it happening. however I'm still working on it so we...
  18. Spikey

    TrinityCore 335 NPCBOTS Repack latest source as of 4_19_22

    In my main post I said where the npcbot manual is located at and as for the ahbot settings are in the worldserver.conf file
  19. Spikey

    TrinityCore 335 NPCBOTS Repack latest source as of 4_19_22

    It hasn't crossed my mine however I can look into it
  20. Spikey

    TrinityCore 335 NPCBOTS Repack latest source as of 4_19_22

    Absolutely other people can join server