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  1. Spikey

    Azerothcore 3.3.5 Npcbots, Transmog and Ahbot New source

    UwAmp is the mini server that everything runs on so in the UwAmp folder click on UwAmp.exe in there you'll see where to start the mysql service and Apache service
  2. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    Sorry to hear that I have no idea why you can't launch it
  3. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    You know you try to help people you give them advice or a possible fix to a problem and if it works they never come back to let you know that the advice etc... fixed the issue so others that might have a simular problem can reap the benifits of it.. I see this time and time again just gets old. S
  4. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    Ok so do you have antivirus running, sometime it will move files to quarantine ? does your folder look like this, if it does then you might want to try running it as an administartor, Right click UniController.exe run as administrator, cause I put this on a different pc and it works fine I can't...
  5. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    I can't seem to recreate your problem have you renamed or moved anything ?
  6. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    I updated it already
  7. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    Ok so here's what happened the Playerbot.conf was set to update its database setting was enabled and the main db update in the worlserver.conf was disabled long story short the playerbot updates need to be disabled (pulling my hair trying figure this one out) I will update the repack with this fix
  8. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    Yeah shit I reuploaded it and used the wrong .conf bundle fixing that now thanks for update, its the line in worldserver.conf and authserver.conf MySQLExecutable = "" needs to be MySQLExecutable = "./core/bin" I will update the repack with this, no idea how that happened first time I uploaded...
  9. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    you don't I was just if you moved or renamed it you would have issues
  10. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    If you haven't moved or renamed anything the unicontroller.exe should be in the folder root
  11. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    Ok no one has brought this up to me so far, ok so I have included all the databases for the mods they are in AzerothCore_npcbots_transmog_ahbot_solocraft\data\sql\modules\mod-transmog\data\sql\ update your databases world and characters with these database scripts it should fix your problem...
  12. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    Oh crap yeah done that lol glad its working for you. S
  13. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    It works have you tried starting it as an administrator (right click UniController.exe select run as administrator) you probably have antivirus or security software preventing you from executing UniController.exe cause everyone eles seems to be ok with it.
  14. Spikey

    Azerothcore 3.3.5 Npcbots, Transmog and Ahbot New source

    Thank you I appreciate you saying that
  15. Spikey

    v1.9 dbc,map,mmaps,vamp files

    anyone mave these you can tell by opening a map file with note++ should tell you.
  16. Spikey

    WOTLK Image pack

    Found what I was looking for close thread plaease.
  17. Spikey

    Help with Legion server version control

    Ok I kinda figured out why I can't extract map files so disregard that what I need are the v1.9 dbc,map,mmaps,vamp files
  18. Spikey

    Help with Legion server version control

    So I compiled a AshamaneCore Legion server together got the database working however I can't extract the dbc maps mmaps vmaps from a 735_26972 with its extraction tools I think because there are no mpq files? I'm not worried about client version just wondering is it possible to change the...
  19. Spikey

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    Ok so other than updating the code on this repack unless I see a new mod I like this will be my last 335 server, I have used a different miniserver than I had on my older repacks this one has greater security and more upgradable components, I installed FusionCms and it's up to you to login and...
  20. Spikey

    WOTLK Image pack

    yes exactley