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  1. Lingx

    Shadow Step DC

    Currently DC'ing when Shadow Stepping other players and jumping right after. EDIT: Now I just DC every Shadow Step.
  2. Lingx

    Lion's Pride Inn

    The Inn in Goldshire is still not instant logout. Almost every PVs has this problem, fix it already lol :cool:
  3. Lingx

    Linguster's Bug Report Thread 5.4.8

    When adding sockets into gear, you can't do it multiple times without having to keep reopening the piece of gear.
  4. Lingx

    How much do you enjoy running Gundrak?

    How much do you enjoy running Gundrak? NOT AS MUCH AS THIS GUY: (check recent activity)
  5. Lingx

    Disgruntled - How to disable a spell?

    The spell Disgruntled is randomly applied to people while in Black Temple. It stays on when leaving the raid too, so it's easily abuseable. Basicly I wanted to know if there's a way to disable a spell like this? I don't know what casts it, it just randomly get applied to everyone in the raid...
  6. Lingx

    [4.3.4] Level Capped (70 Twink Server)

    Enjoyed 70 twinking? Then Level Capped is the place to be!
  7. Lingx

    Tutorial on how to setup a website for your v3 repack!

    Hello EmuCoach. I am currently looking for a tutorial on how to setup a website for my repack. I know there's alot of release on here, with website related stuff, but I have no idea how to execute it ^ So yea, a tutorial would be neato. Edit: Like how to setup those CMS? that cliffsmith...
  8. Lingx

    Making Angelic Feather on 4.3.4?

    Is it possible to add this spell to priest spellbook on 4.3.4? I wonder...
  9. Lingx

    Fartzwrgoben about to break 2 million HKs on retail!

    Been checking up on this guy from time to time to see his progression in honorable kills... He is insane. At the moment he is at 1.999.927 kills, probably breaking 2 million today. Let's say WoW has been out for 10 years (recently had their in-game 10 year annirversary). 365 days a year...
  10. Lingx

    ETA on v3?

    Been waiting for a long time and haven't heard anything? Now I'd be pretty happy to just hear something from someone, that this project is still going??? //Il
  11. Lingx


    How do I scale stats differently? Like crit, is scaled too high on the repack, is there a way for me to change that? //
  12. Lingx

    Linguster's Bug Report Thread

    I will keep posting bugs in here as I stumble upon them. The Flag of Ownership Not working. Tinkers is not working. When you use them, they don't do anything. When fighting someone else in a world arena (Blade Edge Arena, Nagrand Arena, etc.) you do not get in combat when attacking. You can...
  13. Lingx

    Making the server public with portforwarding and changing realmlist

    I need a tutorial on this badly. Can't seem to find anyone on youtube. It's all for ArcEmu. Thanks in advance // Ling
  14. Lingx

    Tinkers are bugged

    Been messing around on the server for some hours now and first bug I've stumbled across is that Tinkers do not function. They simply can't be used when attached to a piece of gear. (Synapse Springs, Nitro Boosts, etc.) // Ling
  15. Lingx

    Stuck On Connected - Worldserver - HOW TO FIX

    I am having this problem as well. I've been trying everything you've listed in the other threads, but it seems like I can't get it to work. EDIT: As I was writing this post, I decided to give it one last shot and I finally got it fixed! If you have the error on 64 system, go to...