Search results

  1. Lingx

    Count To 2.000

  2. Lingx

    Count To 2.000

  3. Lingx

    TormentWoW - 70 Twink Arena Tournament Server (5.4.8)

    Torment WoW goes into open beta today! (07-04-2022) Torment WoW is the ultimate level 70 twink PvP experience set in World of Warcraft: Mist of Pandaria (5.4.8). All players are eligible for all their best in slot items from the moment they join the server, meaning only your skill, knowledge...
  4. Lingx

    [3.3.5 & 4.3.4 & 5.4.8+) Beastmaster NPC

  5. Lingx

    Count To 2.000

  6. Lingx

    Count to 1000...

    double post, shame on you 989
  7. Lingx

    Count to 1000...

    845 .....................
  8. Lingx

    Count to 1000...

    842 - diggin the new design
  9. Lingx

    NEW POSTS section

    I know it’s nice to have forum activity, even from the bots spamming, but is there any chance it would be possible to block those posts from NEW POSTS section? It would be a lot easier to see what’s actually been happening on the forum since last you checked in and not just the most recent spam.
  10. Lingx

    10 minute cooldown on post/threads

    I understand it’s a good way to prevent spam, but can we at least have it, so that when you’re Member+ rank, there’s only 1 minute cooldown on posts. Same limitations on threads, so I’m currently waiting in order to post this one...
  11. Lingx

    Avicii new album out for free

    A big part of gaming is music and one of the greatest artists of all time has released his final work. Just wanted to give people that didn't know already a heads up - Listen here -> Link to YouTube Enjoy :ok:
  12. Lingx

    5.4.8 - status?

    On July 27th you guys said it would take up to a month before the release of 5.4.8. Now it's been a month and a half. Keep us posted - What's the new ETA?
  13. Lingx

    Suggestion: Timeline for new repack

    Any chance we can get like a timeline for the repack and how it's coming along? :hmm: Would be nice!
  14. Lingx

    Wargames not working

    Can't challenge another group of players to a Wargame. The group leader icon is not showing up when you target another group leader. So I assume that somehow the server can't pull the request to start a Wargame since it requires 2 party leaders.
  15. Lingx

    Shadow Sight ARENA

    Players do not break stealth when taking Shadow Sight in arena. When 4.3.4 was live, stealth would break, but you could restealth with Shadow Sight afterwards.
  16. Lingx

    Hunter Pet Haste

    When leveling up quick (having xp x100) the hunter pet goes crazy and gains enourmous amounts of haste and will attack every 0.2 seconds when you reach level 10. It's fixed upon relog / dismiss pet, but it will be broken until then.
  17. Lingx

    Ring of Frost

    Ring of Frost is currently attacking like a pet, making the CC effect break. It's easily fixed for people using the repack: creature_template > Find Ring of Frost > Change all the following values to 0: mindmg maxdmg attackpower dmg_multiplier baseattacktime rangeattacktime This is how I...
  18. Lingx


    Modifying the values in worldserver.conf doesn't seem to affect the healthpool in-game. Rate.Health = 2 Players still have the amount of HP