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  1. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    about 1 times\week.
  2. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    well there is 35716 quests, so we have not tested and fixed all of them. we are working on all bugs we find, eventually everything will be fixed, we have a good developer team now. minimum donation for all future updates is 25€. free repack doesnt need donating, but it will get only crash...
  3. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Greetings everyone. Donator repack got updated to version 2020_10_01. We also added free repack back, free repack will get only crash fixes. All bug fixes will be added to donator repack only. Free repack is limited to 3 players, donator repack can have infinite amount of players. Discord...
  4. V

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    not you, another user named "omg", from black empire server.
  5. V

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    yeah you are using omg's emucoach account i know that. but you are thordekk. i can stop, if you stop with your team. your team is still continuing this stupid war behind your back.
  6. V

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    posted by the whole ex team of latincore, except you and hypnos.
  7. V

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    actually that leak has probably 10 commits less than thordekks current one. it is 2 weeks old.
  8. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Hello all. There has been a lot of interest for the free repack. So, i will add the free repack back on next core update. It will be updated with crashfixes, but all bug fixes still go to donator repack only.
  9. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    it is very good, and we are fixing content everyday. updates are released about 1 time\week.
  10. V

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    this is open source already BlackEmpire core (latincore)
  11. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Donator repack got updated to version 2020_09_21: Changelog: * Updated launcher to v2.7. * Fixed a very big crash and memoryleak on launcher. (donot use the old v2.6!). * Updated database to BFADB_837_2020_09_21. * Fixed custom items (789001-789004). * Fixed...
  12. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Donator repack got updated to version 2020_09_12: Changelog: * Added these locale dbc files as default to repack: deDE, enUS, frFR, koKR, zhCN, zhTW. * Updated database to BFADB_2020_09_12. * Updated worldserver.conf.dist. * Added Enum PowerColorOverride. * Fixed...
  13. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Donator repack got updated to version 2020_09_06: Changelog: * Update database to BFADB_837_2020_09_06. * Added quest_starter, quest_ender, npc_vendor and creature_model_data for BfA zones. * Fixed mardum phase. * Added SoloCraft custom script module. This adjust...
  14. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    here is thordekks latincore. latincore is now open source. bfacore is not opensource.
  15. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Donator core has been updated. We started work on Nazjatar and TolDagor. Work is still continuing, and here are the first updates for you. Changelog: (Update 2020_08_29 to 2020_09_01) - * Fixed quest 56031 - The Wolf's Offensive. * Fixed quest script for quest...
  16. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    hello hypnos. almost all from the old team are working on this + some new devs too. sorry to hear that you dont like how things turned out.
  17. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Repacks and clients got updated: BfaCore Free Repack updated to build BfaCore Donator Repack Updated with newest fixes. Added WoW Bfa Micro Client download (93mb). Added WoW Bfa Minimal Client download (1.3gb). Added WoW Bfa...
  18. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    lol, you have no idea what you are talking about :D thordekk is the second owner of this project... (thordekk owns black empire)
  19. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. We have some news for you: BfaCore Free Repack updated to build BfaCore Donator Repack Updated with newest fixes. Added WoW Bfa Full Client torrent download (57gb). Added WoW Bfa Mini Client download (40mb). Differences in...
  20. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    post updated