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  1. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Hello all. Some updates: Donator+ users can now download World of Warcraft - Shadowlands Minimal Client Installer (2.5gb). ShadowCore repack is still under development, not released yet. Estimated release time is at 2021, probably at 1/2021. (Estimated release date might change...
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Donator repack got updated to version 2020_11_28. -Repacks- BfaCore 8.3.7 Free Repack: Free repack is not updated, no bug fixes, no support. Advertisement on login, limited to 1 player. Updates and bug fixes are available only to donator repacks...
  3. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Donator repack got updated to version 2020_11_18. (Free Repack got 1 crash fix and launcher update). NOTE: Replace your worldserver.conf with the new one!!! (ahbot changes + logger changes. error messages are now enabled by default to make debugging easier when...
  4. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Donator repack got updated to version 2020_11_11. (Free Repack got 1 crash fix and database structure change, not compatible with old free repacks!). NOTE: DONATOR DOWNLOADS CHANGED BACK TO MEDIAFIRE, GITLAB HAS TOO MANY LIMITS. BfaCore 8.3.7 Free Repack: Free...
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Hello everyone. We have battle for azeroth sniffer + parser for sale. Works on private servers. price: 20€ send me a private message on discord if you are interested. -BfaCore Discord- -Make a PayPal Donation-
  6. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Hello everyone. Since some idiots want to share latincore source as bfacore, i made a repo from the "leak". it is open-source, same as the latincore one, it is not bfacore. feel free to download it :) -BfaCore Discord- -Make a PayPal Donation- -Varjgard...
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    yup. i just got back from vacation. there will be update in few days.
  8. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Donator repack got updated to version 2020_10_28. BfaCore 8.3.7 Free Repack: Free repack is not updated, no bug fixes, no support. Advertisement on login, limited to 3 players. Updates and bug fixes are available only to donator repacks. BfaCore 8.3.7 Donator...
  9. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    You can come to our discord and check commit logs, test free version, and there is also private servers using our donator repack so you can test on those aswell :) you can ask from donators about the repack etc. that should give some kind of view of the project ?
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Well we have constant donations coming, so i think we are selling good enough ?
  11. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    world of warcraft is so huge game and there is a lot of content so it is pretty hard to estimate :D
  12. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Greetings everyone. We have some previews from the future of our core development. On the future we will have 2 cores, BfaCore and ShadowCore. BfaCore will be for battle for azeroth 8.3.7 and ShadowCore will be for shadowlands 9.0.1. There is still a long long long way to go before we can...
  13. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Donator repack got updated to version 2020_10_19. General Members: General members will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 free repack. Free repack will only get crash fixes, no bug fixes. Updates and bug fixes are available only to donators. Donators: Donators will...
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    try again. idk why you were banned, i removed the ban.
  15. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Hello. The feedback on month based subscription has been so bad, that we will revert it back to 1 time donation. Sorry for the inconvenience. General Members: General members will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 free repack. Free repack will only get crash fixes, no bug fixes. Updates and bug...
  16. V

    LegionCore 7.3.5 Repack - Version 2020_04_25_Final

    for legion expansion. i suggest you use spp. legioncore is discontinued.
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

  18. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    -BfaCore Discord- -Make a PayPal Donation-
  19. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    UPDATE: Greetings everyone. Donator repack got updated to version 2020_10_12. Download links are now on so if you are a donator create account there and send the name to me as Private Message so i can add you there. This makes it easier to control downloads and the bandwidth is...
  20. V

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Hello everybody. We just reached 1000 members on discord. :) Donator and supporter ranks will be on discount for few days now. -BfaCore Discord- -BfaCore Team