Search results

  1. Mr. Satan

    EmuCoach Repack/Server/Tool Launcher v1 Release

    Due to recent feedback, I've decided to completely remake my GM Tools and Repack Launcher, but this time as one program. With both programs, I more-so hacked them together, but now I'm actually trying to code it properly, and have the code be more organized so I can update/fix it easier. With...
  2. Mr. Satan

    Bug Report Form - MUST USE

    To report a bug, please make a new thread, using this format: Item/Spell/NPC/Quest/etc, must be linked from All Reports MUST use this form, or the report will be noted as invalid. While we truly appreciate the bug reports, it needs to be sorted out properly in such a...
  3. Mr. Satan

    New 3.3.5 and Upcoming 5.4.8 Repacks!

    Hello everyone at EmuCoach! First things first: Neither of these repacks will slow down the development of the 4.3.4 official EmuCoach repack at all! It will still be constantly developed. For those of you who have been following the poll for a new supported expansion, you may already know...
  4. Mr. Satan

    [NEW REPACK] 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King TrinityCore - v0.1 - [Official Repack]

    Hello everyone at EmuCoach! I am happy to announce a new official repack for EmuCoach! For those wondering about the voting thread we have HERE, don't worry! This has nothing to do with the development of the 4.3.4 repack, nor the possible upcoming repack that you guys are voting on! In it's...
  5. Mr. Satan

    Quest To Get To Vashj'ir Bugged

    [Location, Faction, Race]I am an Alliance Human Male Mage. In Stormwind Harbor. [Name, Type] Quest Call of Duty to ride mercenary ships into Vashj'ir to play (in my opinion) a very nice cutscene that I was very much looking forward to. [Problem Description] After somehow receiving two...
  6. Mr. Satan

    [Release] Official EmuCoach GM Tools v1.0

    Hello everyone at EmuCoach! I have developed a tool to help Server Hosts/GMs, mainly using the EmuCoach Repack (which might work with other repacks)! I've grown tired of having to constantly remember the command to create my account with the proper GM level, and having to go through so much...
  7. Mr. Satan

    Inciting the Elements Quest in Hyjal crashing server

    [Location, Faction, Race] Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal as Male Human Mage. [Name, Type] NPC bug, also bugged dialogue [Problem Description] For whatever reason, every now and then the NPC from the quest Inciting the Elements that spawns after giving a Faerie Dragon the Juniper Berry, the worldserver...
  8. Mr. Satan

    Quest 'As Hyjal Burns' flight kills player

    [Location, Faction, Race] Alliance Human Mage, in Mount Hyjal [Name, Type] As Hyjal Burns, Quest, Flight to get to Hyjal. Quest ID: 25316 [Problem Description] The dragon that you ride on to Mount Hyjal drops you at a high enough distance (looked like only 10 feet to me) that the character dies...
  9. Mr. Satan

    [Release] Official EmuCoach Launcher + Server Starter v1.3

    Hello everyone at EmuCoach! I have developed a launcher for the EmuCoach Repack (which should work with other repacks)! I've grown tired of having to constantly find my server folders and having so many shortcuts for starting the server on my desktop, which lead to the idea of a server starter...
  10. Mr. Satan

    EmuCoach News Update! Repack Releases and New Forum Changes!

    Greetings everyone at EmuCoach! We have a few things to announce here, including something for everyone! So make sure to read all the way through! Repack News: VIP Release: The newest version of the Official EmuCoach VIP Repack Version 8.1 has been released! This version contains PlayerBots...
  11. Mr. Satan

    EmuCoach Repack version 8 has been released!

    Hello, everyone! Version 8 of the EmuCoach Repack, 4.3.4 Cataclysm has been released for VIP members! This new version contains a ton of new bug fixes and quests! To check out the changelog to see all of the fixes in this new version, click HERE To become a VIP member and gain access to the...
  12. Mr. Satan

    Marketplace Selling Rules - Read this before making a thread!

    This post is made to clear up a few rules on what is, and (mainly) what isn't allowed to be sold through EmuCoach. EmuCoach respects all vendors, and welcome you to post/advertise whatever you may be selling, as long as it follows the rules. First and foremost, there are some bots that post...
  13. Mr. Satan

    New Bug Fixing System!

    ExO had told me he was looking to add a new system for VIP users that would allow them to get access to bug fixes involving the database without having to wait for the next version. After discusing it with him, I ended up with an idea for a program to do it for the VIP users, almost...
  14. Mr. Satan

    Realm First Achievement bug

    [Name, Type] Realm First - Level 85 'Class', Achievements [What it does] Upon getting to level 85, instead of getting just realm first level 85 Mage, I got all Realm First level 85 class achievements. [What it should do] I should only recieve the Realm First - Level 85 Mage achievement...
  15. Mr. Satan

    Larger avatar pictures

    The avatar size limit seems a bit too small. I feel like the limit for non-vip users should be what the limit for VIP users currently have, which is 120x120. VIP and up should get a much bigger limit on their avatar, like 200x200, which isn't even that big. Maybe 180x180, but preferably 200x200...
  16. Mr. Satan

    Forum addons

    So I got bored and looked around for a few addons for the forums while looking for a specific addon. I'll try to explain what they are with as less text as possible to keep it short. User Status and Moods: This addon allows users to set...
  17. Mr. Satan

    EmuCoach 2D Fantasy Game?

    In a previous post I made (here) I thought of an idea for EmuCoach to have a fantasy/rpg/something similar game that can be played on the website. So basically, someone would come to the site, and click a tab on the top of the forums called whatever the game's name is, and they would be taken to...
  18. Mr. Satan

    Why do people waste money

    Something I don't understand is, why do some people buy VIP, then leave right after they download the repack? I figured VIP's would be a lot more active? They're kind of wasting money if they're not going to stay here. They're missing out on repack updates, a growing community, and all the other...
  19. Mr. Satan

    Couple of suggestions

    A Few Suggestions Before I begin, I just want to appologize for suggesting a lot. I hope you don't get the wrong idea with all of these suggestions. I'm only stating what I think could possibly benefit the site either now, or in the long run. Or just to have cool featues, because who doesn't...
  20. Mr. Satan

    Iroflu's Introduction

    I've been posting around for a bit, and I kind of came out of nowhere, so I decided to make an introduction! (Totally not doing this for the award) I saw this site, really loved the repack, and decided to stay. I'm usually trying to help people fix their problems with the repack, and that's...