Search results

  1. Mr. Satan

    [5.4.8] JadeCore548-patched - free source + repack - need people!

    The repack link is dead, however the link to the source of the repack is still up and working. I have removed the mega link, so now it's only showing the source, to prevent further confusion. If you want this repack, until the original author re-uploads it, you will have to compile it yourself.
  2. Mr. Satan

    Auction House Bot bug?

    Sadly it looks like you might have to go forward with disabling it. If ExO can reproduce it maybe it can be fixed, unsure if it'll make it in time for the next release though.
  3. Mr. Satan

    [Dalaran Database Leak] 3.3.5 - Wotlk Database

    I have locked this thread, as the Mega link used is no longer active. The account used to upload the file was deleted, therefor all files deleted. Until a new link is provided, this thread is closed to further replies to prevent any confusion.
  4. Mr. Satan

    V13 Mount

    While we do appreciate all the bug reports, please try to include as much information as possible, including quest information, specific items/spells/mounts and their ID if possible, etc. You can use this website to link specifics: Example: (Horde) Reins of the Travelers...
  5. Mr. Satan

    Auction House Bot bug?

    I would assume that means the AHBot does not have a proper account ID set in worldserver.conf Usually what I did was leave the default admin account alone (changing password for it if it's a public server), then just leave the default account ID set for the AHBot. I believe the bot needs an...
  6. Mr. Satan

    Auction House Bot bug?

    I used to just press Ctrl+C to close the server, and never had any problems with it. Either Ctrl+C or just closing the worldserver.exe console window, can't remember which. Never gave me any issues whenever I hosted any servers, on 3.3.5, 4.3.4, and 5.4.8 Edit: Does that restart the entire...
  7. Mr. Satan

    How to make your Emucoach server public.

    Seems more like an issue with No-IP, than the server itself. I haven't dealt with no-ip in ages, so I can't help there. Plus, I believe there needs to be changes to IP's in the authserver.conf and worldserver.conf, so both Auth/World know where to connect to, allowing players to then connect.
  8. Mr. Satan

    Auction House Bot bug?

    How soon did you restart the server after items were put into the AH? If it was immediately after, then the AH likely didn't have time to save it maybe - unless it saves on closing. Does it also delete all player-entered items when you close the server, without using restart command?
  9. Mr. Satan

    I need the 434 client

    I believe it still downloads some data, or at least thinks it is. I'm not sure how much downloading takes place, but when I first downloaded my client, which I believe was the full client, I just let it sit for a bit while I watched a movie. I think it still "downloaded" something from time to...
  10. Mr. Satan

    I need the 434 client

    This is due to the change in forum software. The previous forum/links structure are not compatible with the new software, so they do need to be updated. In the future, if you want to find an updated link, simply go to the top right of EmuCoach, hit search, and type in some words from the link...
  11. Mr. Satan

    Discord Integration

    Discord is now fully integrated with the new forum software on EmuCoach! You are now able to connect your EmuCoach account with your Discord account, granting you more permissions depending on your rank. VIP members are now able to use 'General Chat', something previously allowed only to VIP...
  12. Mr. Satan

    [NEW REPACK] 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King TrinityCore - v0.1 - [Official Repack]

    It's been a while since I've worked on this, but no, there are no custom scripts. As for the completion of the repack, it should be 99% throughout, with little bugs - It's mostly TrinityCore's work, very little of my own, so I wouldn't know the full state of this repack.
  13. Mr. Satan

    I guess my account is broken

    We are still getting the forums properly set up with the new forum software. Both ExO and I have been rather busy as well lately outside of EmuCoach, but we're trying to get all features added from the old forum software, plus more. We waited to do forum user rank progression until near the end...
  14. Mr. Satan

    Emucoach 5.4.8 Vip Version | Try before you buy |

    How many bots per person do you currently have? If it's under 10 average players at a time, 4 per player might be fine, but once you get to 30+ players, I would suggest only 1 to 2 bots per player tops. Not everyone would be using the bots at the exact same time, most likely, but you can never...
  15. Mr. Satan

    New Forum Software/Design

    So far, we have added the following: Shoutbox Colored usernames based on user rank Discord integration - Link your discord account HERE - this allows your rank to update automatically, now allowing regular VIP members to post in the discord server! More profile customization options Soon to...
  16. Mr. Satan

    Emucoach 5.4.8 Vip Version | Try before you buy |

    I moved this thread to the more appropriate section of 'Private Server Advertising'. Happy to see not only a server running the EC repack, but also giving proper credit (multiple times). We don't see that too often. I hope permissions with bots are taken care of though, since if you have enough...
  17. Mr. Satan

    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    I believe there's more locations for IP's to be changed than 3.3.5, inside of 4.3.4. I can't remember where/how many as it's been some time since I set up either repacks though. There's atleast an IP for realmlist inside the DB, theres multiple locations for IPs throughout the...
  18. Mr. Satan

    EmuCoach Repack/Server/Tool Launcher v1 Release

    Originally, the launcher quit being able to read the homepage news like it should, due to a change we made in the old forum software. Now that we've switched to a new forum software, it looks like it's having an issue in general connecting to that page. It can be safely ignored, and even if it...
  19. Mr. Satan

    New Forum Software/Design

    Hello everyone at EmuCoach! We have officially moved to a new forum software, to one that is more updated and user friendly. We had some issues with the old forum software, including a bug that prevented some VIP users from getting their rank automatically - This issue should no longer occur...
  20. Mr. Satan

    Mop Repack v1 And Discord Server Release!

    Hello everyone at EmuCoach! We have 2 exciting new releases for you! Both are something you've been asking about and asking for, for a while now. We are releasing our very first, official Mists of Pandaria repack, for free! See below for details on how to get it! The second release is something...