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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Verified Member
help me im cuban...server wow 4.3.4

please help me i live in cuba and we are fanatics to Wow .. we have a server 4.3.4 v8 of the emucoach but have some errors in the characters spells and i want fixed ..so if anyone can helpme and give to me some links to download a relase more actualized please respond to me...the spell are smoke bomb --rogue and another talent more of the rogue please the sed de sangre of the warrior not work....please helpme i need a good server to play wow we dont have internet connection


Verified Member
please help me i live in cuba and we are fanatics to Wow .. we have a server 4.3.4 v8 of the emucoach but have some errors in the characters spells and i want fixed ..so if anyone can helpme and give to me some links to download a relase more actualized please respond to me...the spell are smoke bomb --rogue and another talent more of the rogue please the sed de sangre of the warrior not work....please helpme i need a good server to play wow we dont have internet connection

The responses aren't going to change just because you posted again...


Verified Member
I had a question on the server which works awesome btw. So I modified some items in the itemtemplate to lift racial requirements on certain items like mounts, but after saving the changes, resetting the server the changes I made didn't work. Is there a different method I am supposed to do with it? I remember that's all I had to do with the 3.3.5 servers so I'm guessing you need to do it differently in the cata servers.


Thanks for the motivation posts! In this case; More fixes are inside!

please help me i live in cuba and we are fanatics to Wow .. we have a server 4.3.4 v8 of the emucoach but have some errors in the characters spells and i want fixed ..so if anyone can helpme and give to me some links to download a relase more actualized please respond to me...the spell are smoke bomb --rogue and another talent more of the rogue please the sed de sangre of the warrior not work....please helpme i need a good server to play wow we dont have internet connection

We answered you already.


I had a question on the server which works awesome btw. So I modified some items in the itemtemplate to lift racial requirements on certain items like mounts, but after saving the changes, resetting the server the changes I made didn't work. Is there a different method I am supposed to do with it? I remember that's all I had to do with the 3.3.5 servers so I'm guessing you need to do it differently in the cata servers.

You may need to duplicate the items with your custom changes, with a custom entry id of course, just with the same displayid.