Most of the changelogs - haven't listed the small fixes as creature spawn fixes/small quests etc:
-- Instance Fixes --
Fixed an issue with Tyrannus, he was spawned already + the scripted copy that was going to get spawned from the dragon, and the first copy wasn't selectable.
- Fixed another double spawn in The Forge of Souls (Soulguard Watchman)
Fixed phase of Ebon Blade Commander & Argent Commander outside of The Forge of Souls etc ( in The Frozen Halls)
In The Forge of Souls Bronjahm was double spawned - fixed.
Fixed Gundrak Door.
Fixed the correct health on ToC, Archavon and Naxxramas. (10 Man raid) Thanks to Renzo for the contribution!
Fixes to Morchok (Dragonsoul)
Fixes to Ultraxion (Dragonsoul)
Fixes with Warlord Zon'ozz.
-- In general a lot of fixes like spawns, health, damage etc to Dragonsoul.
Some fixes in Firelands through the database.
Well of Eternity Fixes, healh, spawns, damage, armor etc.
HoT fixes, mobs and boss scripting.
Fixed a crash with Altairus in the Vortex Pinnacle.
Some model fixes in Blackwing Descent.
-- Item Fixes --
Fixed Trinket - Bone-Link Fetish Proc & Added blzzlike cooldown on it.
Reduced Proc Chance of Trinket - Creche of the Final Dragon.
Fixed Trinket - Starcatcher Compass Proc.
Fixed Trinket - Matrix Restabillizer Proc.
Fixed Trinket - The Hungerer Proc.
Fixed a lot of trinkets and weapon procs from Dragonsoul and simillar raids. (Thanks to Renzo for the contribution)
Fixed Obsidian Nightwing mount (Now you can carry an ally on your back. (Thanks to Renzo for the contribution)
A lot of other trinkets has been fixed, wasn't able to list them through the bug report as the forum got wiped..
-- Spell Fixes --
Fixed some instance spells which were having issues and could end up crashing the server.
Fixed Wild Growth.
Fixed Glyph of Holy Light.
Fixed Glyph of Kill Shot.
Fixed Glyph of Prayer of Mending.
Fixed Glyph of Blurred Speed -
Fixed Proc of Spidersilk Spindle.
Fixed a lot of different shaman spells, and cleaned up some coding style regarding it.
At the moment is stacking with other spells like sprint, dash, And it indeed doesn't supposed to stack with sprint or dash, although both can be active at the same time." - Fixed.
Fixed Shadowy Apparition.
Fixed the "Feral Swiftness" - Talent:
Stampeding Roar remove all movement impairing effects from affected targets when used, but Dash DOES NOT, when you have this talent."
Fixed an issue with rogues having delay on each spell.
Fixed an issue with Rune Strike not available to use in Blood Presence
Fixed Moonkin forms for Trolls and Worgens, as well as epic Flight forms.
Improved spell system with spells like Thunderstorm.
Fixed Sunder of Sunder Armor.
Fix for shadow_affinity. - Goatform.
Hack out Overkill and Master of Subtlety removal on spec change. - Goatform.
A lot of different spell fixes that wont get listed here has been made, a lot of spell scripts has been created in order to clean up the spell and cause as low amount of issues as possible.
Implemented Mirror Image CC system. - Goatform.
Fixed Smoke Bomb.
Fixed Hunter Trap in the same faction.
Rune Strike should always be useable when Blood Presence is active; fixed.
Fixed Tiger Fury.
Druid - Flight form display fixes.
Fixed Spirit of Redemption - Priest.
Fixed Divine Reckoning
Fixed Spirit of Redemption Immunity - Priest.
Paladin - Pursuit of Justice.
Fixed Lava Surge Proc - Shaman.
Fixed Heroic Leap - Allowed you to leap way too high. -
Fixed a damage issue with Conflagrate
Improced Camouflage & fixed an issue with it in BG.
-- General Fixes --
Fixed an issue with death & timer of it: The timer that indicates how long it takes until the player can reclaim their corpse now starts counting down when the player releases its spirit instead of when they die. Fixes an issue where the 'Accept' button in the reclaim corpse window would already be clickable but have no effect. #TC
Fixed a few core warnings.
Fixed a hack crash.
Fixed another crash.
Fixed a Calender crash.
Fixed an exploit with looting.
Fixed "Body in the air bug";
When a player dies while he's in the air, the body remins in the air instead of faliing down to the ground.
This bug makes resurrection spells harder, and sometimes impossible to cast, same about self resurrection. Thanks to Goatform.
Fixed a really annoying movement crash that happened suprisely often.
Fixed a crash in the Vortex Pinnacle.
Fixed honor rewarding on quests! All the honor quests should now reward correct, for example quests as Tol Barad.
-- Blackout quest is having a lot of issues, but a temp fix has been made - this means the quest can now get completed.
-- Doing it like a Dunwald was having issues + missed spawn, still half buggy but a temp fix has been made for now.
-- Small Comforts - The quest was missing all the loots + objects of them were missing as well. (Parlan's Ivory Hammer, Meara's Dried Roses & Aprika's Doll) This results in the quest working properly & being able to get completed.
-- Magmalord Falthazar quest is now completeable, the NPC was having a wrong phase and could not be seen by non GMS.
-- Unbound Emberfiend in TWillight Highlands were having a wrong phase and could therefor not be seen by non GMS.
-- Dragonsoul - Ancient Water Lord was having a lot of incorreclty loots and dropchances, and it was dropping atleast 4 epic items. Earthen Destroyer was also having a looot of incorrect loots with a veery low proc chance, which is now fixed and it drops the items it's supposed to with the correct chance of dropping it.
Fixed online state when member logs out. #TC.
Random misc fixes in the database.
Fixed some DB errors.
Fixed some things in deepholm, such as missing spawns.
A lot of fixes in Gilneas.
In Darkshore, Dentaria Silverglade, Serendia Oakwhisper & Laird had the wrong phase, so only GM's could see them, fixed now.
Fixed Obsidian Nightwing mount so you can carry an ally on your back, thanks to Renzo!
Fixed an important guild issue fix:
You kick your guild member -> your client crashes -> he gets kicked, so issue is that the client crashes. -- FIXED.
Fixed an issue with client crashing if you invite a character with a non english name to a guild.
Implemented a wanted AH-BOT SYSTEM.