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Zygor Guides for MoP (Levelings/professions/pets/mounts)


Verified Member

Was sind Zygor-Guides?​

Zygor Guides sind der beste und schnellste Weg, um Ihre Charaktere in World of Warcraft zu leveln und in kürzerer Zeit mehr zu erreichen. Mit unserem benutzerdefinierten Guide Viewer-Addon werden unsere Guides im Spiel angezeigt und verwenden ein optimiertes Schritt-für-Schritt-Format, um Ihnen alles zu sagen, was Sie tun müssen.

Guide Viewer-Addon​

Unsere Anleitungen werden während des Spiels direkt auf Ihrem Bildschirm angezeigt und führen Sie Schritt für Schritt durch alles, was Sie tun müssen. Es ist nicht nötig, ein gedrucktes Buch oder eine Website abzulesen.


Dank unseres 3D-Wegpunktpfeils, der Sie jederzeit genau in die richtige Richtung weist und Ihnen mithilfe von Hearthstones, Flugrouten, Portalen und mehr die schnellste Wegbeschreibung zu Ihrem Standort mitteilt, finden Sie ganz einfach, wohin Sie gehen müssen.
View attachment 2011
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Dynamische Erkennung​

Unser Addon kann Ihren Fortschritt erkennen, Quests für Sie annehmen und abgeben, Ihnen bei der Auswahl von Questbelohnungen helfen und viele andere Aufgaben ausführen, um Ihr Spielerlebnis zu automatisieren und zu optimieren.

Es ist ein Addon, das Ihnen helfen wird, Berufe, Errungenschaften, Haustiere, Reittiere und Dungeons zu farmen. Und natürlich hilft es dir, so schnell wie möglich zu leveln.
Es bietet Ihnen während des gesamten Nivellierungsprozesses die beste Ausrüstung.
Es wird Ihnen helfen, die besten Talente oder Makros auszuwählen.
Einstellungen :View attachment 2010
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Vielen Dank, das ist sehr nützlich


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member

What Are Zygor Guides?​

Zygor Guides are the best and fastest way to level your characters in World of Warcraft and accomplish more in less time. Using our custom Guide Viewer addon our guides are displayed inside the game and use an optimized step by step format to tell you everything you need to do.

Guide Viewer Addon​

Our guides are displayed right on your screen as you play, and walk you step by step through everything you need to do. There’s no having to read off a printed book or website.

3D Waypoint Arrow​

Finding where to go is made simple thanks to our 3D waypoint arrow that points you exactly in the right direction at all times and will even tell you the fastest directions to your location using hearthstones, flight paths, portals and more.
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Dynamic Detection​

Our addon can detect your progress, accept and turn in quests for you, help you choose quest rewards, and many other tasks to automate and streamline your gameplay experience.

It's an addon that will help you make professions, achievements, farme pets, mounts, dungeons. And of course it will help you to level as fast as possible.
It will provide you with the best equipment throughout the leveling process.
It will help you to choose the best talant or macros.
Settings : View attachment 2010
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Awesome Thanks


Verified Member

What Are Zygor Guides?​

Zygor Guides are the best and fastest way to level your characters in World of Warcraft and accomplish more in less time. Using our custom Guide Viewer addon our guides are displayed inside the game and use an optimized step by step format to tell you everything you need to do.

Guide Viewer Addon​

Our guides are displayed right on your screen as you play, and walk you step by step through everything you need to do. There’s no having to read off a printed book or website.

3D Waypoint Arrow​

Finding where to go is made simple thanks to our 3D waypoint arrow that points you exactly in the right direction at all times and will even tell you the fastest directions to your location using hearthstones, flight paths, portals and more.
View attachment 2011
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Dynamic Detection​

Our addon can detect your progress, accept and turn in quests for you, help you choose quest rewards, and many other tasks to automate and streamline your gameplay experience.

It's an addon that will help you make professions, achievements, farme pets, mounts, dungeons. And of course it will help you to level as fast as possible.
It will provide you with the best equipment throughout the leveling process.
It will help you to choose the best talant or macros.
Settings : View attachment 2010
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Trial Member

What Are Zygor Guides?​

Zygor Guides are the best and fastest way to level your characters in World of Warcraft and accomplish more in less time. Using our custom Guide Viewer addon our guides are displayed inside the game and use an optimized step by step format to tell you everything you need to do.

Guide Viewer Addon​

Our guides are displayed right on your screen as you play, and walk you step by step through everything you need to do. There’s no having to read off a printed book or website.

3D Waypoint Arrow​

Finding where to go is made simple thanks to our 3D waypoint arrow that points you exactly in the right direction at all times and will even tell you the fastest directions to your location using hearthstones, flight paths, portals and more.
View attachment 2011
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View attachment 2008

Dynamic Detection​

Our addon can detect your progress, accept and turn in quests for you, help you choose quest rewards, and many other tasks to automate and streamline your gameplay experience.

It's an addon that will help you make professions, achievements, farme pets, mounts, dungeons. And of course it will help you to level as fast as possible.
It will provide you with the best equipment throughout the leveling process.
It will help you to choose the best talant or macros.
Settings : View attachment 2010
[Hidden content]


Trial Member

What Are Zygor Guides?​

Zygor Guides are the best and fastest way to level your characters in World of Warcraft and accomplish more in less time. Using our custom Guide Viewer addon our guides are displayed inside the game and use an optimized step by step format to tell you everything you need to do.

Guide Viewer Addon​

Our guides are displayed right on your screen as you play, and walk you step by step through everything you need to do. There’s no having to read off a printed book or website.

3D Waypoint Arrow​

Finding where to go is made simple thanks to our 3D waypoint arrow that points you exactly in the right direction at all times and will even tell you the fastest directions to your location using hearthstones, flight paths, portals and more.
View attachment 2011
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View attachment 2008

Dynamic Detection​

Our addon can detect your progress, accept and turn in quests for you, help you choose quest rewards, and many other tasks to automate and streamline your gameplay experience.

It's an addon that will help you make professions, achievements, farme pets, mounts, dungeons. And of course it will help you to level as fast as possible.
It will provide you with the best equipment throughout the leveling process.
It will help you to choose the best talant or macros.
Settings : View attachment 2010
[Hidden content]


Trial Member

What Are Zygor Guides?​

Zygor Guides are the best and fastest way to level your characters in World of Warcraft and accomplish more in less time. Using our custom Guide Viewer addon our guides are displayed inside the game and use an optimized step by step format to tell you everything you need to do.

Guide Viewer Addon​

Our guides are displayed right on your screen as you play, and walk you step by step through everything you need to do. There’s no having to read off a printed book or website.

3D Waypoint Arrow​

Finding where to go is made simple thanks to our 3D waypoint arrow that points you exactly in the right direction at all times and will even tell you the fastest directions to your location using hearthstones, flight paths, portals and more.
View attachment 2011
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View attachment 2008

Dynamic Detection​

Our addon can detect your progress, accept and turn in quests for you, help you choose quest rewards, and many other tasks to automate and streamline your gameplay experience.

It's an addon that will help you make professions, achievements, farme pets, mounts, dungeons. And of course it will help you to level as fast as possible.
It will provide you with the best equipment throughout the leveling process.
It will help you to choose the best talant or macros.
Settings : View attachment 2010
[Hidden content]

What Are Zygor Guides?​

Zygor Guides are the best and fastest way to level your characters in World of Warcraft and accomplish more in less time. Using our custom Guide Viewer addon our guides are displayed inside the game and use an optimized step by step format to tell you everything you need to do.

Guide Viewer Addon​

Our guides are displayed right on your screen as you play, and walk you step by step through everything you need to do. There’s no having to read off a printed book or website.

3D Waypoint Arrow​

Finding where to go is made simple thanks to our 3D waypoint arrow that points you exactly in the right direction at all times and will even tell you the fastest directions to your location using hearthstones, flight paths, portals and more.
View attachment 2011
View attachment 2009
View attachment 2008

Dynamic Detection​

Our addon can detect your progress, accept and turn in quests for you, help you choose quest rewards, and many other tasks to automate and streamline your gameplay experience.

It's an addon that will help you make professions, achievements, farme pets, mounts, dungeons. And of course it will help you to level as fast as possible.
It will provide you with the best equipment throughout the leveling process.
It will help you to choose the best talant or macros.
Settings : View attachment 2010
[Hidden content]
I didnt see you post this before i found your othr one thanks for the upload hopefully this one works


Mythical User
Silver Supporter
Superior Member
I didnt see you post this before i found your othr one thanks for the upload hopefully this one works
So, buddy, does it work? If not I can find you another version for the same patch.