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Zremax: WoW Private Servers - List your Server or Find the best Servers


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
This server listing site is turning out to be just like the once we already got.
Our server can't compete with 1000+ playerbased servers.
Ergo newly started will always be at the lowest.

Not being rude.
The site started out with good ententions to give the little guy a fighting chance.

Best Regards


Verified Member
This server listing site is turning out to be just like the once we already got.
Our server can't compete with 1000+ playerbased servers.
Ergo newly started will always be at the lowest.

Not being rude.
The site started out with good ententions to give the little guy a fighting chance.

Best Regards


Thanks for your time to comment,

I'm not fully sure if I am understandable with your comment. We provide several ways for server-owners to get their servers in top. But there's no doubt, it's a competition to get in the top, and so it should be. And the wow private server players are the primary focus.

Our system is however very flexible. Players can sort by bumped servers (which server owners can use freely), by population, by newest released servers, by most recommended servers (in terms of highest rating).

As you can tell, the system is very flexible. We want to let players choose and decide themselves. However because of our flexible system, currently your server is in the top of the Cataclysm Private Server section - https://zremax.com/expansion/cataclysm-private-servers/
Simply because it's among the highest rated servers (as of right now). We try to make the site fair for everyone :)