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Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack


Verified Member
Czech Republic
Amazing repack as always, thank you so much! The bots are amazing! After tweaking some settings, the game has been a blast! Quick question/suggestion: Is there a way to have materials stack to 250 or 1000 instead of 20? That would be amazing!
You must connect to database through program like Navicat or Sqlyog.
There you create new connection to running database and log in with (root, ascent).

Open acore_world column item_template.
Find your item you want to change and in column "stackable" change amount.


Verified Member
Czech Republic

AzerothCore Update 081223-1518
Update Info:

Core: Zaicopx AzerothCore-wotlk-with-NPCBots rev. 0729baf44b55

Latest update on August 12, 2023

NPCBots v5.4.105a

Version DB world: ACDB 335.10-dev

Mysql: root, ascent

NEW: NPCBot Wander System
Besides main purpose which is to assist players, NPCBots can also be used as autonomous units. Wandering bots spawn with gear, but are free of player's control and cannot be hired. The default for my repack, wandering bot is only a maximum of 272. Currently there is a way to add wandering bots up to 11k,
Here I include the link below.
In this 11k NPCBots feature update, the default setting for wandering bots is 500 bots spread across Azeroth. I suggest you guys need min 8gb of RAM to run server and play WoW.

NEW: NPCBot Battle Ground
Now support on Warsong Gultch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley.



This is a how-to update repack:

  • Remember to backup.
  • Download latest AC SP Update.
  • Remember to DELETE "Source" Folder first.
  • Extract AC SP Update.7z to repack folder, replace exe (Everything)

If you like my repack, you can support me. Thankyou

Hello, I appreciate your work, I would like to ask if there are plans to start operating other batlegrounds as well. I love Eye of the Storm.

Furthermore, I experienced on the SPP project from Conan that in the case of visiting a dungeon alone, the life of all NPCs decreases. Are you planning to implement something similar?

I'm watching your repack closely and I have to say that I haven't played anything better yet.

Have a nice day


Gold Supporter
Silver Supporter
MoP Premium

Thank you so much! 😍 (y)
I tried 2000 bot, and its work smoothly. nice!!!!


Trial Member
When creating a character by default, he has an endless amount of bags! How can this be cured?
Новый точечный рисунок.jpg


Trial Member
Look at modules in database.

path: Azoreoth core\configs\modules\
I sat down today and purposefully began looking at the settings. Found! In the items_on_first_login.lua file you need to comment out all p:EquipItem(p:AddItem(23162), 19) or some of it! :)


Verified Member
Czech Republic

AzerothCore Update 081223-1518
Update Info:

Core: Zaicopx AzerothCore-wotlk-with-NPCBots rev. 0729baf44b55

Latest update on August 12, 2023

NPCBots v5.4.105a

Version DB world: ACDB 335.10-dev

Mysql: root, ascent

NEW: NPCBot Wander System
Besides main purpose which is to assist players, NPCBots can also be used as autonomous units. Wandering bots spawn with gear, but are free of player's control and cannot be hired. The default for my repack, wandering bot is only a maximum of 272. Currently there is a way to add wandering bots up to 11k,
Here I include the link below.
In this 11k NPCBots feature update, the default setting for wandering bots is 500 bots spread across Azeroth. I suggest you guys need min 8gb of RAM to run server and play WoW.

NEW: NPCBot Battle Ground
Now support on Warsong Gultch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley.



This is a how-to update repack:

  • Remember to backup.
  • Download latest AC SP Update.
  • Remember to DELETE "Source" Folder first.
  • Extract AC SP Update.7z to repack folder, replace exe (Everything)

If you like my repack, you can support me. Thankyou
I want to update your repack on your site:

when I click on the Update 081223-1518 link it sends me to:

there is a blue "skip" button on this page

when I click on it, ESET antivirus pops up warning me that there is a threat on the exeo.app link (JS/Adware.Agent.CZ)

Explanation please...


Trial Member
Hello, I hope someone can help me.

I am new to WoW private server repacks.
I have downloaded the AzerothCore Single Player Repack and its patches on wowsingleplayer.my.id.
But whenever I try launching the "Worldserver.exe" it simply shut down right away.

I extracted the repack, then the update and finally the hotfix, I have not extracted the 11k NPCbots addon yet.
I have the .conf files inside the main folder, inside "configs" and "config", while I had everything, it didn't work so I deleted them all and kept only the one in configs as it is supposedly the one it requires.
I have edit the file with the right locations.
But the Worldserver still refuses to launch, it gave me errors before editing it, now it simply says some things and at the end it says "Opening DatabasePool 'acore_auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1." and it closes itself.
At some point, I was able to connect in-game with "admin" as both the username and password but not anymore.
And when I was able to do that, when I would try to join the server, it wouldn't work, probably because Worldserver isn't up.
MySQL and AuthServer seems to work properly but Worldserver refuses to launch and work properly.
If I understand well, I need Worldserver to be able to play on the "server", also need it to create an account with a different username and password.

Anyone has an idea on how to fix this? I have been looking for a fix for days now, I have check the help seciton but the reasons why the software closes over there seems to be different to mine.

Thanks to anybody who can help me.


Verified Member
Czech Republic
Hello, I hope someone can help me.

I am new to WoW private server repacks.
I have downloaded the AzerothCore Single Player Repack and its patches on wowsingleplayer.my.id.
But whenever I try launching the "Worldserver.exe" it simply shut down right away.

I extracted the repack, then the update and finally the hotfix, I have not extracted the 11k NPCbots addon yet.
I have the .conf files inside the main folder, inside "configs" and "config", while I had everything, it didn't work so I deleted them all and kept only the one in configs as it is supposedly the one it requires.
I have edit the file with the right locations.
But the Worldserver still refuses to launch, it gave me errors before editing it, now it simply says some things and at the end it says "Opening DatabasePool 'acore_auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1." and it closes itself.
At some point, I was able to connect in-game with "admin" as both the username and password but not anymore.
And when I was able to do that, when I would try to join the server, it wouldn't work, probably because Worldserver isn't up.
MySQL and AuthServer seems to work properly but Worldserver refuses to launch and work properly.
If I understand well, I need Worldserver to be able to play on the "server", also need it to create an account with a different username and password.

Anyone has an idea on how to fix this? I have been looking for a fix for days now, I have check the help seciton but the reasons why the software closes over there seems to be different to mine.

Thanks to anybody who can help me.
Just update all Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Packages. It is majority problem of all problems with world crashing. Im not sure which version, just try download all. Install from oldest to newest vcredist_x86 and vcredist_x64 all of them. It will work, you will see :)

Btw can you upload somewhere last patches of this repack you downloaded? I can download it from oficial page, but my antivirus infor me that link is corrupted. I want some another source to explore the content. Update + 11k bots please :)


Trial Member
Just update all Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Packages. It is majority problem of all problems with world crashing. Im not sure which version, just try download all. Install from oldest to newest vcredist_x86 and vcredist_x64 all of them. It will work, you will see :)

Btw can you upload somewhere last patches of this repack you downloaded? I can download it from oficial page, but my antivirus infor me that link is corrupted. I want some another source to explore the content. Update + 11k bots please :)
Already got them all installed, any ideas what could it be? Maybe it's jut the .conf files that are not properly edited.
Could you please, share both .conf files as how they should be for the repack to work?
And where to store them? Main folder, "config" folder or "configs" folder?

The update was downloaded on www.wowsingleplayer.my.id
I just downloaded the update again and it still works, download it there.


Trial Member
Hello @zaicopx ,
many thanks for your amazing work!

I tried to change the language (I also have the original files I need for the language) but somehow it won't let me play.
My guess: I forgot something to change in a .cfg but I have no idea at all if it's possible to play this repack in another language than English.

Any help would be much appreciated or just a notice if it's possible to change the language. Thanks in advance!
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Verified Member
Czech Republic
Already got them all installed, any ideas what could it be? Maybe it's jut the .conf files that are not properly edited.
Could you please, share both .conf files as how they should be for the repack to work?
And where to store them? Main folder, "config" folder or "configs" folder?

The update was downloaded on www.wowsingleplayer.my.id
I just downloaded the update again and it still works, download it there.

Before you updated the server. Did you run it? Did it work?

Have you tried any other repack besides this one?

This repack is made simply. You download it, unzip it into a folder, run MYsql, Authserver, worldserver and it simply works. I see the problem is that you are simply missing something in Windows. Did you really download all (even older) versions of VCREDIST? I know that in new versions (such as the new complete packs) Microsoft cut some things.

I'm still thinking about it, I have a feeling that something else from Microsoft was installed. what kind of windows do you have?

Yea got it, update .NET 4.0 Framework, vcredist 2010.
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Trial Member
Before you updated the server. Did you run it? Did it work?

Have you tried any other repack besides this one?

This repack is made simply. You download it, unzip it into a folder, run MYsql, Authserver, worldserver and it simply works. I see the problem is that you are simply missing something in Windows. Did you really download all (even older) versions of VCREDIST? I know that in new versions (such as the new complete packs) Microsoft cut some things.

I'm still thinking about it, I have a feeling that something else from Microsoft was installed. what kind of windows do you have?

Yea got it, update .NET 4.0 Framework, vcredist 2010.

Hello, I downloaded the repack and ran it, it worked, it seems it is either the update or the hotfix that screws everything.
Maybe the update files are corrupted.

Now that I can finally play this, I have a few questions.

1. Is this complete? All content from vanilla up to Wrath of the Lich King available? World map, quests, items, etc... Microtransactions mounts / items available in the game? How can we access any of it if so?

2. Any major breaking bugs or it should be entirely playable?

3. Can multiplayer only content such as PVP be done with the bots?

Another question which is out of the subject, even though this repack looks great and it will probably be my main, I'd like to get my hands on working repack that has more expansions, preferably the latest but I doubt that it will be stable, I heard Lich King is the last one with stable private servers, I'd like to play on the Panda one, or even Shadowlands.

Anyway, thanks for the help.


Verified Member
Czech Republic
Hello, I downloaded the repack and ran it, it worked, it seems it is either the update or the hotfix that screws everything.
Maybe the update files are corrupted.

Now that I can finally play this, I have a few questions.

1. Is this complete? All content from vanilla up to Wrath of the Lich King available? World map, quests, items, etc... Microtransactions mounts / items available in the game? How can we access any of it if so?

2. Any major breaking bugs or it should be entirely playable?

3. Can multiplayer only content such as PVP be done with the bots?

Another question which is out of the subject, even though this repack looks great and it will probably be my main, I'd like to get my hands on working repack that has more expansions, preferably the latest but I doubt that it will be stable, I heard Lich King is the last one with stable private servers, I'd like to play on the Panda one, or even Shadowlands.

Anyway, thanks for the help.
The update works great, I finally downloaded it and if you follow the steps everything works.

I don't know why the creator uploaded it to such a dubious repository that links to more and more sites. Anyway, you did something wrong. Try again following the instructions here:

You have a lot of questions. which no one - probably not even the creator - will know.

If you don't play directly on the official server, you will never, NEVER be sure of 100% functionality. However, during my tenure and tests of quant repacks, I have to say that overall azerothcore will probably be the best of all.

Azeroth core Zaicopix is just a repack of some zaicopix :), a fan of warcraft who edits a pure azerothcore that is freely available to the public. You too can modify and script your own azerothcore here: https://www.azerothcore.org/

I personally prefer to spend my time testing and playing. So I don't do repacks even though I know the commands well, as well as the database.

Now for the questions:

1. I've gone through a lot of dungeon quests and raids and haven't found anything broken yet. Except for a few non-essential quests, like: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/quest=12227/doing-your-duty, which I'm sorry about, because it's a pretty funny quest :). Things are completely in the database there, if you mean special card items.

2. I didn't find any big majority errors and even the ordinary quests in the open world run perfectly.

3. Yes, PVP multiplayer is playable and hard. After the update and working Alterac, I can say that it is an hourly slaughterhouse. Sometimes I think it's not even possible what bots do.

As for the quality of the repack. Yes wotlk is the best repack ever. I also miss some things, but more out of interest. For example, engineering stuff. Anyway, despite everything, I like Wotlk the most because of the story line.

The best way is to try and explore the world on your own. It takes a lot of time. I've been interested in this for almost 20 years and I had to figure out a lot of things myself... and sometimes it hurt :)

By the way, another good repack was from the Conan repacker. His server was exceptional because it used PLAYERbots, not NPCbots. It also used to reduce the HP of monsters in the dungeon, based on the number of players in the party. Unfortunately, he also got into NPCbots and canceled the old project. Zaicopx repack seems the best for me at the moment. If they set up all the BGs and Arenas it will probably be the best repack ever.

And Zaicopx could also respond. He simply farted the repack on the website and "died".
All the best.


Trial Member
Hello, everything seems to work well for now.
But I'd like to know, where are the savegames located?

Thanks for the help.
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