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[WRobot] Party Assistance - healer mode info


Veteran Member
I have been playing around with Wrobot's party mode and thought I would post a few things I thought might help people. I am new to WRobot and fumbling my way though. The main issue I had was with the healer. After scouring the web, I discovered that a lot of people seem to be having the same issues. The info below is pretty basic, but again... maybe it will help.

Party Healer
+ Heal mode switch = On
- Target will be a party member so use "Target" conditions. Ex. "Target Distance", "Target Health Percentage" (This looks at party members distance and health percentage. It does NOT look at the healer bot's health/distance. In order to get the healer to heal itself you have to make add another spell with conditions looking at "Health Percentage".
- Target will not attack any target because the bot's targets are friendly (unless you have additional code running)

+ Heal mode switch = Off
-Target will be assigned like any other bot (unless there are other settings explained later)
-The healer bot will still heal himself using "Health Percentage", but will not heal the group since the "Target" will be an enemy.

+ Spell Settings
- For friends (party) = True/False
- If True, this makes the spell act just like the Heal mode switch is On. This changes the "Target" to be party members. The conditions need to be set to "Target Health Percentage", ect.
- If False, this makes the spell act like normal and target will be assigned like any other bot
- This setting needs to be set to True for any healing spell or buff spell that you want the healer bot to cast on party members

- Is buff = True/False
- This needs to be set to True for spells similar to Holy Word: Shield, or Renew, ect.
- Other direct healing spells that do not grant a buff, or HoT, ect. can be set to False

** Note about hybrid dps/heals. The Heal mode switch needs to be turned Off or the healer bot will just stand there until heals are needed. There are no built-in conditions that will regulate mana consumption (as far as I know). There is a "Mana" condition but that is the real value, not percentage. You can calculate whatever percentage you want to stop DPS to conserve mana and just input the whole number value of mana as a condition.

I hope this helps someone. Please feel free to add info or correct any errors in what I posted. Good Luck. Happy Wroboting.