Join the WoW Emulation Discord Bot Discord Server!
Check out the WoW Emulation Discord Bot community on Discord - hang out with 64 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
Commands Works on Specified Channels -- Which can be moderated by giving access of sending message to specific discord roles. (edited)
Can have Multiple Channels to make the commands work on. (edited)
After you type your command it will be removed and instead the bot will log it in the footer. (edited)
The Bot Security is linked to the channel you select as long as everyone can't send messages to that specified channel id than the bot won't work on any other channel.
Admin Commands
!gold -- !gold CharacterName Amount exp : !gold Jadadev 100000
!level -- !level CharacterName Level exp : !level jadadev 85
!accountid -- !accountid AccountName exp : !accountid ADMIN [ It does check if the account exists or doesn't exist ]
!accountinfo -- !accountinfo AccountID exp : !accountinfo 24 [ Account Information are fake ( emails and ip addresses ) ] feel free to test it out!
!accountcharsfull -- !accountcharsfull AccountID exp : !accountcharsfull 8 [ shows you all characters with their details -- spammy ]
!accountchars -- !accountchars AccountID exp : !accountchars 8 [ Shows only name & guid for chars use !charinfo guid to see more details ]
!Ticket List -- Shows up to 10 ( Oldest order )
!TicketID -- Shows Ticket Details exp : TicketID 1
!charinfo -- !charinfo Guid exp : !charinfo 30548
!addvpdp -- !addvpdp AccountID VP DP exp : !addvpdp 8 5 10 -- 5 VP & 10 DP & 8 is account id
!accweb 24 -- !accweb AccountID exp : !accweb 24 -- shows website details about the account such as his voting points, donor points, total votes and more.
Player Commands
!accountid -- !accountid AccountName exp : !accountid ADMIN [ It does check if the account exists or doesn't exist ]
Private Message Logs ( log channel )
Discord Private Message the Bot Commands :
!createaccount USERNAME PASSWORD EMAIL -- exp !createaccount username123 password123
!changepassword PASSWORD -- exp !changepassword password321
!changeemail EMAIL -- exp !changeemail
!myaccount exp !myaccount -- Gives you your account Details
Only one account can be created per Discord account with full check.
Check if account exists.
Check if email is valid.
Check if password/account is 4 + characters.
Logs Channel Doesn't include the password!
Check if password is 4+ characters.
Check if you have an account linked to your discord.
Whenever you change your password the bot will not store it as a message anywhere!
Logs Channel Doesn't include the password!
Check if account exists.
Check if email is valid.
Check if the email isn't used by you or anyone else.
Whenever you change your emailthe bot will only store it in discord logs ( can be show only for admin or gms )
Logs Channel Does include the Email!
Check if account exists.
Sends you all your account details privately ( ID, Email, DiscordID, Online, Last IP, Joindate, etc.. )
Doesn't include any password.
Upcoming Commands :
And Much more
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