Trial Member
- 6
- 2021
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thanks alot
try pqr is bestgoing to try
Nice![Hidden content]![]()
Hi everyone, I present you with a rotation bots. It's for all DPS classes.
I change the images and translate as much as I can.
There is just a missing window at the bots startup that asks you if you want to play in this WOW window.
For the bot to work you need Ovale addons for your version of the game https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ovale![]()
Place Ovale in addon folder. Connect with your character.
Launches the rotation bot.
As I said before. The startup window of the bot I can't translate.=========================================================
It asks for "Yes" or "No", put "Yes".
Every time it starts, it's going to ask you that.
After choosing the game window. Go to parameterand choose the "stop and start" key.![]()
Now press start.It'll reload the game and this injects "If you get an error, change the graphical mods in the bot"![]()
Now set all your spells that Ovale will use during rotation.Better use 123 etc and letters. Not use "shift+1" or "alt+f" (this is an example).
Here, enjoy. He's going to use the best possible rotation.(If you know how to work with addon Ovale you can change your rotation).
If there are people who will be able to finish translating or add other rotation addons let me know.
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thx[Hidden content]![]()
Hi everyone, I present you with a rotation bots. It's for all DPS classes.
I change the images and translate as much as I can.
There is just a missing window at the bots startup that asks you if you want to play in this WOW window.
For the bot to work you need Ovale addons for your version of the game https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ovale![]()
Place Ovale in addon folder. Connect with your character.
Launches the rotation bot.
As I said before. The startup window of the bot I can't translate.=========================================================
It asks for "Yes" or "No", put "Yes".
Every time it starts, it's going to ask you that.
After choosing the game window. Go to parameterand choose the "stop and start" key.![]()
Now press start.It'll reload the game and this injects "If you get an error, change the graphical mods in the bot"![]()
Now set all your spells that Ovale will use during rotation.Better use 123 etc and letters. Not use "shift+1" or "alt+f" (this is an example).
Here, enjoy. He's going to use the best possible rotation.(If you know how to work with addon Ovale you can change your rotation).
If there are people who will be able to finish translating or add other rotation addons let me know.
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it's just a clicker it will just do dsp rotationSalutation J'aurai une question assez spéciale désolé si je choque certains mais je voulais savoir si la même optique pouvait t'elle fonctionner pour un tank et un heal qui se joue en même temps et également savoir si cela fonctionnait pour une équipe de 5 shaman en multiboot j'aurais aimé savoir si c'était dans la même optique ? :/
Je vous prie d'excuser mon orthographe pitoyable... :/
Après j'aimerais bien qu'on me clarifie les choses ce n'est pas un bot à proprement parlé enfin d'une certaine façon peut être mais je m'attendais style à un Bot qui farme tout seul ses personnages.
Et si par exemple le script est bien fait y aurait t'il possibilité de jouer ça à Arène ?
Ce que je veux dire malgré le fait que la façon me m'exprime a toujours été un fléau chez moi bien que ce qui est plus triste ce que je me comprends parfaitement mais j'avoue qu'avec mes problèmes à ne pas toujours savoir bien m'exprimer ce qui me cause souvent des problèmes
Testing it, hope it works, thanks in advance <3[Hidden content]![]()
Hi everyone, I present you with a rotation bots. It's for all DPS classes.
I change the images and translate as much as I can.
There is just a missing window at the bots startup that asks you if you want to play in this WOW window.
For the bot to work you need Ovale addons for your version of the game https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ovale![]()
Place Ovale in addon folder. Connect with your character.
Launches the rotation bot.
As I said before. The startup window of the bot I can't translate.=========================================================
It asks for "Yes" or "No", put "Yes".
Every time it starts, it's going to ask you that.
After choosing the game window. Go to parameterand choose the "stop and start" key.![]()
Now press start.It'll reload the game and this injects "If you get an error, change the graphical mods in the bot"![]()
Now set all your spells that Ovale will use during rotation.Better use 123 etc and letters. Not use "shift+1" or "alt+f" (this is an example).
Here, enjoy. He's going to use the best possible rotation.(If you know how to work with addon Ovale you can change your rotation).
If there are people who will be able to finish translating or add other rotation addons let me know.
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Thanks MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![Hidden content]![]()
Hi everyone, I present you with a rotation bots. It's for all DPS classes.
I change the images and translate as much as I can.
There is just a missing window at the bots startup that asks you if you want to play in this WOW window.
For the bot to work you need Ovale addons for your version of the game https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ovale![]()
Place Ovale in addon folder. Connect with your character.
Launches the rotation bot.
As I said before. The startup window of the bot I can't translate.=========================================================
It asks for "Yes" or "No", put "Yes".
Every time it starts, it's going to ask you that.
After choosing the game window. Go to parameterand choose the "stop and start" key.![]()
Now press start.It'll reload the game and this injects "If you get an error, change the graphical mods in the bot"![]()
Now set all your spells that Ovale will use during rotation.Better use 123 etc and letters. Not use "shift+1" or "alt+f" (this is an example).
Here, enjoy. He's going to use the best possible rotation.(If you know how to work with addon Ovale you can change your rotation).
If there are people who will be able to finish translating or add other rotation addons let me know.
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