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World Server Crash - Exception code: E06D7363


MoP Premium
Verified Member
I just re-subscribed to this because everything worked perfectly the first time I paid and played. However, now I can't get past the license activation. I put it in the code and the world server just closes. I requested and received a new key and the exact same issue happened. I did check the logs and the world server is crashing. I found a few different threads where other people had this issue but there was never a resolution that I could find. I will attach the crash information below I really hope there is a fix for this because this is the best MOP server service out there by far.

(I have already deleted and re-installed everything with the exact same issue).

Revision: Emucoach 5.4.8Rev: 4 Release Hash: Archive (Win64, little-endian)
Date 30:11:2024. Time 8:19
*** Hardware ***
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Number Of Processors: 12
Physical Memory: 33485656 KB (Available: 23498148 KB)
Commit Charge Limit: 38466392 KB

*** Operation System ***
Windows 8 Home Edition (Version 6.2, Build 9200)

Exception code: E06D7363
Fault address: 00007FFCA959B699 01:000000000003A699 C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll

R8: 000000000080003E
R9: 000000DBD40FE2E0
SS:RSP:002B:00000000D40FE910 RBP:D40FEBC0
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFCA959B699 000000DBD40FE9E0 RaiseException+69
00007FFC8EBD5267 000000DBD40FEA40 _CxxThrowException+97
00007FF6449D6D52 000000DBD40FEAB0 0001:0000000000085D52 D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FF6449CD99F 000000DBD40FED00 0001:000000000007C99F D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FF6449D6899 000000DBD40FEF30 0001:0000000000085899 D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FF6449D6508 000000DBD40FF0E0 0001:0000000000085508 D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FF6449D132D 000000DBD40FF3C0 0001:000000000008032D D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FF6449D0BFF 000000DBD40FF6E0 0001:000000000007FBFF D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FF6449D1EB0 000000DBD40FF9A0 0001:0000000000080EB0 D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FF6449D1D66 000000DBD40FFA00 0001:0000000000080D66 D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FF6449BD59E 000000DBD40FFAA0 0001:000000000006C59E D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FF6449BDEB6 000000DBD40FFAD0 0001:000000000006CEB6 D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FF645B10E2C 000000DBD40FFB10 0001:00000000011BFE2C D:\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW MOP\Release_MOP_VIP_5_EMUCOACH\worldserver.exe
00007FFCAABC7374 000000DBD40FFB40 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFCABCBCC91 000000DBD40FFBC0 RtlUserThreadStart+21

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFCABD0F344 000000DBD40FC0B0 NtGetContextThread+14
0000000000000328 000000DBD40FC0B8


MoP Premium
Verified Member
This appears to have magically resolved. What I did:
I re-downloaded the release, server, and all the DBC and Maps.
I removed the old files from my system by putting them on an external.
Got everything set back up on my drive with the new files.
Launched the server, auth, then the world server.
It again asked for my key and I was actually able to input it and the server accepted it and didn't crash.
I then copied my whole server file replacing the new one and my world config file.
Everything launched properly and all my data was still there as well.
My only thought is something must have been wrong with one the the maps or DBC folders that caused the issue.
Not sure why it didn't work when I replaced them the first time though.
Not much of a solution but I hope this can somehow help someone in the future.