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World of Warcraft - Profession Guide - What you need to know.


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If your other characters are rich then go ahead and level a crafting profession. If you’re poor then you might want to stick with the gathering professions for awhile. You can earn gold with the crafting professions, but it takes some work and you need to keep an eye on the Auction House. Tycoon (Look around the forums if your donator or higher you should easily find a link to it ) will be a help with that.
All three gathering skills are good money makers. You get to pick two. I suggest Skinning and Herbalism.

Other skills

First Aid (Guide Coming) – You have heals, so why bother? Still, it’s something to do with all that extra cloth you’ll be finding.
Cooking (Guide Coming) – You can create your own buffing foods. Cooking mats are often, not always, dirt cheap.
Archeology (Guide Coming) – You can find BoEs, mounts, very nice weapons, and even some BoA (Bind on Account) items.
Fishing – Kick back and goof off after a few dozen quests, dungeons, or battlegrounds.
Mining (Guide Coming) – Breaking ore out of rock nodes builds big muscles, so your Stam increases to a max of 480 in M of P.
Herbalism (Guide Coming) – Pick flowers and gain a self heal (yawn) and a haste effect (nice, it’s 2880 Haste for 20 seconds with a 2 min cooldown at 90.)
Skinning (Guide Coming) – With the bazillions of critters in WoW it’s easy to gather many stacks of skins. Might as well take advantage. This also increases your crit rating by 480 points in M of P.

Ok, so you have enough gold:

All of the crafting professions are good for about 320 Stat points through their self-only enchants or items. Depending on your spec that will be either Int or Agility. Blacksmithing might be the best profession with its two extra gems slots if you have to squeeze our every last bit of min/mix. You might find the price of those gems to be a bit steep, though… Engineering has that nice cooldown and a lot of fun toys.

Leatherworking (Guide Coming) – Bracer enchant adds 500 to you best stat, which is much nicer than the next best enchant. You’ll be able to make your own mail armor, including PvP gear at high levels.

Alchemy (Guide Coming) – get more stats and duration from your own buffing potions. Also get better effect from your other potions. Figure 30% more in stats and an extra hour from elixirs and flasks.

Enchanting (Guide Coming) – Add a 160 Int/Ag enchant to each of your rings

Engineering (Guide Coming) – Besides various nifty gadgets, the Synapse Springs widget adds 1940 to your best stat for 10 seconds, which is awesome for burst.

Inscription (Guide Coming) – You get some nice shoulder enchants: and they’re good for 520 Int/Ag in M of P. Inscription provides all of the shoulder enchants, the other rep or vendor enchants are gone.

Jewelcrafting (Guide Coming) – You can create two gems that add 320 points each to your favorite stat, rather then the usual 160. This gives you 320 total bonus points to that stat.

Tailoring (Guide Coming) – Cloak enchants can add occasionally add a lot of either Int or AP

Blacksmithing (Guide Coming) – Can add an extra gem socket to gloves and bracers. Drop the appropriate gem into those sockets. Note that gems in Mists of Pandaria have twice the value for secondary stats than primary stats (eg: 320 Haste Vs 160 Ag/Int.) This make Blacksmithing more flexible than the other professions.

Note for people who pick profession due to the bonus: The profession bonuses will be removed in Warlords of Draenor. You might need to take that into consideration. If you want to earn most gold from professions in the end of Mists of Pandaria and start of Warlords of Draenor, then look at what people will need for the start of the next expansion. Bags, crafting materials, recipes, enchants, crafted items etc. If you got Herbalism and Mining to the max and want to make some coin, then rush to Frostfire Ridge and farm there. The first people who sell items forementioned, will earn crazy amounts of gold. I used to be one of the first to make rare items in the start of Cataclysm that was necessary to boost your iLvl, so you could enter heroic dungeons. A stack of ores also sold for ~200g per stack back then. Prices will be even higher in this expansion, since people have accumilated a lot more gold over the years since my experience. Any BoE rares/epics/pets you find will of course be extremely valuable and you can easily net anything from 5k-50k on rares and more than 100k on epics if you are one of the first to sell these items.

Big thanks to Vengfull & HunterHero

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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World Martial Arts Championships
Nice tutorial! I might end up using these, since I plan to get all level all professions in my server.

A suggestion: If you post guides on each profession, you should have a link to all of them on this thread, that way someone could have access to all of them from this one thread.


Silver Supporter
MoP Premium
Superior Member
Nice tutorial! I might end up using these, since I plan to get all level all professions in my server.

A suggestion: If you post guides on each profession, you should have a link to all of them on this thread, that way someone could have access to all of them from this one thread.

Yeah good idea :D