Thank you for the support and a kind message. It's quite rareThanks for the release and the youtube videoes. Keep it up Likon69![]()
good game to youThanks alot for the share
go in :![]()
Hi everyone.
I share with you the latest version of Honorbuddy. This is the version that was released 10 days before the first MoP patch.
This version brings us a lot of corrections. But also some new features like "Dungeonbuddy" and "LazyRaider".
The meshes are more complete with a large correction.
With that you will end up in this version:
All plugins: Jumpy, RareKiller, Ultimate PvP Suite, ZapGB2Recorder, MrItemRemover and etc.
All CC (Too many)
All profiles.
All botbases are working.
* All CC
* Extension modules
?: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ Hosts
added his lines:
download honorbuddy wherever you want on your pc:
[Hidden content]
Go to file: Honorbuddy4.3.4 \ Auth
Start: HBCD_Auth (must do this every time)
Go to file: Honorbuddy4.3.4 \ HBRelog![]()
start it: HBRelog
This software launches the game and the bot. (You must use HBRelog to log into the game. Directx9 issue in Windows 10. Otherwise the game crashed with error 132.)
Add your account name.
Add your password.
Add your realm list name and your character name.
Indicates where wow.exe is located.
View attachment 1911
Indicates where Honorbuddy.exe is located.
View attachment 1912
PS: I just launched WoW with HBReloag. I let it connect to accounte and close it. Honorbuddy I'm going
Username : 1
PASS : 1
PSs: Wow.exe (not World of Warcraft.exe or WowCircle Kekw).
32-bit wow.
Directx9 (n ° 11).
If you are using HD patches, remove it.
Bot function guide and demonstration video![]() 4.7205 / post-74808
A thank you costs you nothing. Try not to make empty messages. I spend a lot of time on this version of the bot. To give you a better experience!
Do you like my content? Put a
Do you have questions or do you have a problem?
Add me ️️️
Discord: Téxy#7011
My source
Bossland GmbH
RCorsair (My help to configure this version and fix bugs.)
MausFarm (My help with the information on xml.)
Many thanks to content developer Honorbuddy. Your profiles and plugins are always very useful. Kickazz006, Akna, Brodie, Cava, Vitalic, Twist, Echo ...
tygo in :![]()
Hi everyone.
I share with you the latest version of Honorbuddy. This is the version that was released 10 days before the first MoP patch.
This version brings us a lot of corrections. But also some new features like "Dungeonbuddy" and "LazyRaider".
The meshes are more complete with a large correction.
With that you will end up in this version:
All plugins: Jumpy, RareKiller, Ultimate PvP Suite, ZapGB2Recorder, MrItemRemover and etc.
All CC (Too many)
All profiles.
All botbases are working.
* All CC
* Extension modules
?: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ Hosts
added his lines:
download honorbuddy wherever you want on your pc:
[Hidden content]
Go to file: Honorbuddy4.3.4 \ Auth
Start: HBCD_Auth (must do this every time)
Go to file: Honorbuddy4.3.4 \ HBRelog![]()
start it: HBRelog
This software launches the game and the bot. (You must use HBRelog to log into the game. Directx9 issue in Windows 10. Otherwise the game crashed with error 132.)
Add your account name.
Add your password.
Add your realm list name and your character name.
Indicates where wow.exe is located.
View attachment 1911
Indicates where Honorbuddy.exe is located.
View attachment 1912
PS: I just launched WoW with HBReloag. I let it connect to accounte and close it. Honorbuddy I'm going
Username : 1
PASS : 1
PSs: Wow.exe (not World of Warcraft.exe or WowCircle Kekw).
32-bit wow.
Directx9 (n ° 11).
If you are using HD patches, remove it.
Bot function guide and demonstration video![]() 4.7205 / post-74808
A thank you costs you nothing. Try not to make empty messages. I spend a lot of time on this version of the bot. To give you a better experience!
Do you like my content? Put a
Do you have questions or do you have a problem?
Add me ️️️
Discord: Téxy#7011
My source
Bossland GmbH
RCorsair (My help to configure this version and fix bugs.)
MausFarm (My help with the information on xml.)
Many thanks to content developer Honorbuddy. Your profiles and plugins are always very useful. Kickazz006, Akna, Brodie, Cava, Vitalic, Twist, Echo ...
Hi, can you give me the log file? man im having some problems with ProfessionBuddy i already made multiple fresh installations im also running 32 bits wow and directx 9
HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.<get_SupportedTradeSkills>b__9(SkillLine skill) en c:\Users\Carlos\Downloads\Honorbuddy 4.3.4 (HB,Plugins,CR and plugins)\Honorbuddy 4.3.4(\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:línea 535
en System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
en System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
en System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
en HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.get_SupportedTradeSkills() en c:\Users\Carlos\Downloads\Honorbuddy 4.3.4 (HB,Plugins,CR and plugins)\Honorbuddy 4.3.4(\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:línea 537
en HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.<LoadTradeSkills>b__10(Object state) en c:\Users\Carlos\Downloads\Honorbuddy 4.3.4 (HB,Plugins,CR and plugins)\Honorbuddy 4.3.4(\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:línea 650
Ok thank u so much for ur help.Hi, can you give me the log file?
Here's the log had to upload to mediafire because the file size was too large for the emucoach serverHi, can you give me the log file?
Which server do you play on?Here's the log had to upload to mediafire because the file size was too large for the emucoach server
Link: m.+15036+Log.txt/file
I play on Athenas a spanish cataclysm server professionbuddy does not load properly. I think it's a problem of offsets.
To be on the safe side the autoangel file in bot.
Add me to the discord and we'll try a couple of things.I play on Athenas a spanish cataclysm server
Already tried deleting Autoangler without much luck, im downloading another cataclysm client just in case.
if the errors are in red when you run the profile directly.Hopefully questing works here, last one i downloaded i got errors, Thanks for share!