nicego in :![]()
Hi everyone.
I share with you the latest version of Honorbuddy. This is the version that was released 10 days before the first MoP patch.
This version brings us a lot of corrections. But also some new features like "Dungeonbuddy" and "LazyRaider".
The meshes are more complete with a large correction.
With that you will end up in this version:
All plugins: Jumpy, RareKiller, Ultimate PvP Suite, ZapGB2Recorder, MrItemRemover and etc.
All CC (Too many)
All profiles.
All botbases are working.
* All CC
* plugins
Follow the steps.
?: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ Hosts
added his lines:
ps: If you can't edit it, place the file on your desktop and edit it with a text editor. And put it back.
download honorbuddy wherever you want on your pc:
[Hidden content]
Go to file: Honorbuddy4.3.4 \ Auth
Start: HBCD_Auth (must do this every time)
Go to file: Honorbuddy4.3.4 \ HBRelog![]()
start it: HBRelog
This software launches the game and the bot. (You must use HBRelog to log into the game. Directx9 issue in Windows 10. Otherwise the game crashed with error 132.)
Add your account name.
Add your password.
Add your realm list name and your character name.
Indicates where wow.exe is located.
View attachment 1911
Indicates where Honorbuddy.exe is located.
View attachment 1912
Your wow must be 32 bits.
Your game must use directx9.
I advise you to use hbrelog just to connect to the game. Then you can close it. And run honorbuddy.
Id 1
pass 1
Guide video![]()
Bossland GmbH
RCorsair (My help to configure this version and fix bugs.)
MausFarm (My help with the information on xml.)
Many thanks to content developer Honorbuddy. Your profiles and plugins are always very useful. Kickazz006, Akna, Brodie, Cava, Vitalic, Twist, Echo ...
ty mango in :![]()
Hi everyone.
I share with you the latest version of Honorbuddy. This is the version that was released 10 days before the first MoP patch.
This version brings us a lot of corrections. But also some new features like "Dungeonbuddy" and "LazyRaider".
The meshes are more complete with a large correction.
With that you will end up in this version:
All plugins: Jumpy, RareKiller, Ultimate PvP Suite, ZapGB2Recorder, MrItemRemover and etc.
All CC (Too many)
All profiles.
All botbases are working.
* All CC
* plugins
Follow the steps.
?: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ Hosts
added his lines:
ps: If you can't edit it, place the file on your desktop and edit it with a text editor. And put it back.
download honorbuddy wherever you want on your pc:
[Hidden content]
Go to file: Honorbuddy4.3.4 \ Auth
Start: HBCD_Auth (must do this every time)
Go to file: Honorbuddy4.3.4 \ HBRelog![]()
start it: HBRelog
This software launches the game and the bot. (You must use HBRelog to log into the game. Directx9 issue in Windows 10. Otherwise the game crashed with error 132.)
Add your account name.
Add your password.
Add your realm list name and your character name.
Indicates where wow.exe is located.
View attachment 1911
Indicates where Honorbuddy.exe is located.
View attachment 1912
Your wow must be 32 bits.
Your game must use directx9.
I advise you to use hbrelog just to connect to the game. Then you can close it. And run honorbuddy.
Id 1
pass 1
Guide video![]()
Bossland GmbH
RCorsair (My help to configure this version and fix bugs.)
MausFarm (My help with the information on xml.)
Many thanks to content developer Honorbuddy. Your profiles and plugins are always very useful. Kickazz006, Akna, Brodie, Cava, Vitalic, Twist, Echo ...
Thank you broentrar :![]()
Hola a todos.
Les comparto la última versión de Honorbuddy. Esta es la versión que fue lanzada 10 días antes del primer parche de MoP.
Esta versión nos trae muchas correcciones, pero también algunas novedades como "Dungeonbuddy" y "LazyRaider".
Las mallas son más completas con una gran corrección.
Con esto terminarás en esta versión:
Todos los complementos: Jumpy, RareKiller, Ultimate PvP Suite, ZapGB2Recorder, MrItemRemover, etc.
Todos los CC (demasiados)
Todos los perfiles.
Todas las bases de bots están funcionando.
* Todos los CC
* complementos
Sigue los pasos.
?: \ Windows \ System32 \ controladores \ etc \ Hosts
Añadió sus líneas:
pd: si no puedes editarlo, coloca el archivo en tu escritorio y edítalo con un editor de texto. Y luego vuelve a colocarlo.
Descarga Honorbuddy donde quieras en tu PC:
[Contenido oculto]
Vaya al archivo: Honorbuddy4.3.4\Auth
Inicio: HBCD_Auth (debe hacer esto cada vez)
Ir al archivo: Honorbuddy4.3.4\HBRelog![]()
Iniciarlo: HBRelog
Este software inicia el juego y el bot. (Debes usar HBRelog para iniciar sesión en el juego. Problema con Directx9 en Windows 10. De lo contrario, el juego se bloquea con el error 132).
Añade tu nombre de cuenta.
Añade tu contraseña.
Agrega el nombre de tu lista de reinos y el nombre de tu personaje.
Indica dónde se encuentra wow.exe.
View attachment 1911
Indica dónde se encuentra Honorbuddy.exe.
View attachment 1912
Tu wow debe ser de 32 bits.
Tu juego debe usar directx9.
Te recomiendo que uses hbrelog solo para conectarte al juego. Luego puedes cerrarlo y ejecutar honorbuddy.
Identificación 1
pase 1
Vídeo guía![]()
Bossland GmbH
RCorsair (Mi ayuda para configurar esta versión y corregir errores).
MausFarm (Mi ayuda con la información en xml.)
Muchas gracias al desarrollador de contenido Honorbuddy. Sus perfiles y complementos son siempre muy útiles. Kickazz006, Akna, Brodie, Cava, Vitalic, Twist, Echo...
nodoes it work on 3.3.5?
run authe and and change offsetsID 1 and PASS 1 not working when launched honorbuddy
you have on for first pagecan u send discord link bro