No, atleast not very soon if you keep fking buying it
I inatevecis Verified Member 7 2014 0 Nov 23, 2014 #21 No, atleast not very soon if you keep fking buying it
T Talan42 Verified Member 6 2014 0 Nov 24, 2014 #22 I don't think it will ever go free to play. Basically the way Blizzard is managing WoW is much too money consuming to make the game free to play.
I don't think it will ever go free to play. Basically the way Blizzard is managing WoW is much too money consuming to make the game free to play.
M maxfun03 Verified Member 14 2014 0 Nov 30, 2014 #25 Do you seriously believe that a Blizzard game will ever be Free 2 Play? Most likely they implement micro payments and restrict content then let the Subscriptions be replaced or such nonsense
Do you seriously believe that a Blizzard game will ever be Free 2 Play? Most likely they implement micro payments and restrict content then let the Subscriptions be replaced or such nonsense
A avatar Verified Member 6 2014 0 Dec 10, 2014 #27 As Long as people are eagerly to pay for the game and subscribe for gametime, why should blizzard change the pay-moddel?
As Long as people are eagerly to pay for the game and subscribe for gametime, why should blizzard change the pay-moddel?
U ulbato Verified Member 6 2014 0 Dec 12, 2014 #28 I think if the numbers of players will be very low, we can play warcraft for free.