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What was your first experience with WoW private server?


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Hello Emucoach community!

I recently joined this community after finding it on r/wowservers! Got to say, I love the work that people are putting on here and sharing with the community to use for us!
My first experiences with WoW private servers started back in 2012/2013 on Molten-WoW, at the time it seemed one of the best private servers out there, and I love myself a big playerbase! :D
After playing on several "blizzlike" private servers I stumbled upon funservers. Somehow they gave me a refreshing feel to the game i was burned out from at the time. I remember myself starting on WoWBeez. I think they had a x10 and x100 fun realm with random teleporters everywhere u can imagine, broken quests, almost no 100% working content. But somehow it gave me what I was looking for at the time and I loved it! And ofcourse (if some people here still remember it?) they had a Battleground realm. U would start at level 10 and each kill would give you experience and gold that later on could be used for buying gear to progress yourself through the realm.

Let me know what was your first experience with private servers! :)



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Year 2007 Runescape Wow TBC server with custom gear and then Magic-WoW 3.2.2, Encholed WoW, Molten Wow, Warmane, Firestorm.

i really regret started playing private servers, all that time that time wasted for servers that died or closed, Retail was the only clever solution, but instead i done a terrible mistake choosing private servers.

Mr. Satan

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My first experience was Jeuties 3.3.5 WotLK repack. Not much of a story with it - I played it for a while as I had never played WoW at this point, and wanted to see all the hype - I believe this was as Cataclysm was about to come out, or just released. I only spawned a bunch of gobjs trying to build a house, fly around, and use custom OP weapons until I got bored. Then played retail WoW for a while until about a month into WoD, then got back into private servers and eventually found EmuCoach, where I got into the Cata repack.

Outside of WoW, I've used multiple other private servers, such as Runescape - I was pretty big into those, but they were rarely ever good IMO.


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around 2008 when my retail wow sub was down and had no incomes i tried one it was a 3.5 WOTLK server, it was cool though, the scripts were werking at least 90% except in sindragosa :D when she arrives at the platform with her ice bolts, reguardless if we are in los she wiped us all down to death :D it was funny, and sometimes, in mid fight she just began to levitate up to the sky with no atacs :d oh and my favourite one was at the gunship :D we start the encounter, and then we all fall off from the ship :D. Mostly i have funn memories, when it comes to this private server experiance.


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DeDWoW private server.
2008 before I played retail blizz servers


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My first experience with a WoW private server was just last year, I played on a basic Trinity core repack by myself and had a blast. It was my first time using GM commands and that was pretty entertaining. It was a 3.3.5 WoTLK repack.


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Quit retail in 2014, came back a year later to find that WoD was garbage - always wanted to try a WotLK server but never thought much of it, decided to go for it when retail wasn't cutting it.


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My first experience with a WoW private server was A few years ago, I played on a 3.3.5 repack With some college friends


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long time ago coding for the mangos project...

implemetation and most code for fullpvp (horde against horde etc) and code for party guild over horde/alliance is mine... and some other things after that...

basicly server mode 16 is my invention...


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I still haven't played on a private server. I want to try and avoid putting hours and hours into character for Blizzard to then send a cease and desist or the server owner to get bored and decide they are moving onto something else. I'm ready to let retail go now, just need to find a good solo or repack server to run on my own and then I'm good.

Mr. Satan

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I still haven't played on a private server. I want to try and avoid putting hours and hours into character for Blizzard to then send a cease and desist or the server owner to get bored and decide they are moving onto something else. I'm ready to let retail go now, just need to find a good solo or repack server to run on my own and then I'm good.

I can definitely relate to that. It's hard to find not only a well developed server, but also owners of that server with actual dedication to keep it going, then on top of that, it'd need to be on some sort of bullet-proof hosting, otherwise it'd get too big that Blizz would get it taken down.
There are some servers out there, but the ones I've tried are either not the best community, or small enough that I might as well be playing solo.

However on the other hand, when playing solo it can get boring real quick/easy. Kind of a dilemma there. ?‍♂️


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I can definitely relate to that. It's hard to find not only a well developed server, but also owners of that server with actual dedication to keep it going, then on top of that, it'd need to be on some sort of bullet-proof hosting, otherwise it'd get too big that Blizz would get it taken down.
There are some servers out there, but the ones I've tried are either not the best community, or small enough that I might as well be playing solo.

However on the other hand, when playing solo it can get boring real quick/easy. Kind of a dilemma there. ?‍♂️
My first private server was molten-wow this was before I knew anything about them. I had no idea how to connect to them and asked on the forum and even staff at time to no avail because there were no guides and even players didn't want to help so I left. I came across monster-wow quickly I found out how to connect to servers and started playing them and left because everything was broken at time. After going back to molten-wow during christmas there was a event with a giant unkillable santa that killed everyone in orgrimmar since then stopped playing private servers and stayed away from warmane forever. You know the only cease and desist letter I got from blizzard was to remove a image not even take down the server or anything. I was like okay I will remove it... The dilemma is if no one's ever tries out a small server how it supposed to grow. I think a lot of server either die from lack of population or funds.
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SPP WotLK by Conan. I love the idea behind playing WoW solo. The world feels empty, but I like it that way. Retail WoW can be a mess at times with too much junk all over the screen, especially in major cities. If you have a few friends with you in the Single Player Server WoW it can be a very fun experience.


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I can definitely relate to that. It's hard to find not only a well developed server, but also owners of that server with actual dedication to keep it going, then on top of that, it'd need to be on some sort of bullet-proof hosting, otherwise it'd get too big that Blizz would get it taken down.
There are some servers out there, but the ones I've tried are either not the best community, or small enough that I might as well be playing solo.

However on the other hand, when playing solo it can get boring real quick/easy. Kind of a dilemma there. ?‍♂️

Yep, whilst I used to play retail wow solo anyway for the most part until the game forced me to group up you do miss some of the buzz. I'm still trying to find a repack that I really like on an expansion I enjoy. I have always dipped in and out of wow so its hard to make that decision. I started on Cata. The recent Wotlk solo repack posted on here has come to the closest so far, but ideally I'd like something that is on Mop or Draenor.

Mr. Satan

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Yep, whilst I used to play retail wow solo anyway for the most part until the game forced me to group up you do miss some of the buzz. I'm still trying to find a repack that I really like on an expansion I enjoy. I have always dipped in and out of wow so its hard to make that decision. I started on Cata. The recent Wotlk solo repack posted on here has come to the closest so far, but ideally I'd like something that is on Mop or Draenor.

Anything with MoP or Draenor will likely take a very long time before it gets developed enough to be considered 'good'.
I do want a WoD repack as well, as I quite liked garrisons, I used it as a 'private mini-city' so I could go to the bank/AH/repair/etc in a layout that I had a fair amount of control over, without having to deal with a bunch of random people running around, spamming /train, or just slowing down the area in general due to the massive population in one location.

Sadly I don't think developers care enough about MoP or WoD to do this, they're all about getting solely PvP or Funservers, or the latest expansion only.


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First experience was random TBC and Wrath instant max level PvP servers, but a server called Echeloned WoW was the most memorable for me. Unfortunately maybe a month after I got into it it was shut down by a Blizzard C&D. Even worse, I fully lost touch with someone who I'd become really good friends with on the server. We were talking about swapping Skype users maybe 30 minutes before the entire thing was shut down. RIP