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What types of tutorials do you guys want?


Verified Member
I have way too much time on my hands, so I figured I would start giving back to this community by making tutorials to help people. This is probably not the place to post this, but I couldn't think of a better place...

Give me some suggestions or requests on tutorials. I will try my best to make them.

- LordPsyan


Nice contribution!

Really awesome to see, could be nice to have the board filled with a few useful and asked tutorials.

Are you refering to C++ tutorials only, or also wow emulation tutorials in general?


Verified Member
C++, wow emulation, how to bake a cake using matches and a gallon of gas... whatever. :)

Don't actually try to bake a cake with gasoline. Even though it is really really fun, it turns out that not only does it make cake taste bad.... but tends to burn down houses and garages...


Oh the cake baking tutorial is right for [MENTION=3658]eyerobot[/MENTION] XD

Anyhow, I really tried to think of a few. Some might be bad, some might be relevant. I wanted to give you a few suggestions never the less.

Tutorials/Information posts;

- "What host server do I need / how much can my server hold". I'm not really sure if there is any interest in this, or if it's created before, but it's an option if you know/have interest in networking and specs. Eg, do you need a VPS, how much ram, how many players it fits to, etc.

- MySQL Port 3306 is already running, is something I've seen a few times.

- How to change MySQL port to eg 3307. How to change authserver port. How to change Worldserver port.

- How to "integrate" Cloudflare to your WoW Server and website. (You need the realmlist, eg "logon" to only use DNS and not http proxy or it will not allow the connect ingame)

- How to max up professions to 525. (Something I've seen asked a few times)

- How to set up FusionCMS/additional features/information if you know anything about this. + a link for download eventually.

- .dll XX file missing if you know something about this.

- Worldserver/Authserver is blank.

- Vmaps, maps, dbc & mmaps extraction from client and example of an error code if it does not fit.

- If you know anything about this; Tips to improve your online WoW Private Server. Advertisement, staff, handling.. anything like this as example.

- How do I open and edit my database, and what database client should I use? (Eg. HeidiSQL/Navicat etc), and a download link eventually.

-How to make a boss cast spells (Shown with C++ or SAI), or say a text etc.

- How to use a sniffer and a parser. (If you know anything about this)

- Windows vs Linux on Wow private server usage/development/hosting if you have an opinion on this field.

- How to play a WoW repack offline.

- How do I make a new database user.

- How do I make a backup of my database.

- How do I execute a .SQL file to my database

- How to update an old C++ script. (Mention that it's not always as simple), and eg that functions on TC are changing, and might have changed from your current old script, so you will have to correct the functions/code. Not sure, something that explains the process (of course you can't tell exactly how-to)

- How to apply a C++ script.

- How to clone from Trinitycore Github Repository, and eventually set-up. Idk, many tutorials like this though.

- If you have any input on this - your thoughts on the best Linux machine to run a WoW Private server on. (Debian, Ubuntu) etc.

- A tool that clears cache on login.

Of course there are many more, and some of these might be meh while others are good. Hopefully inspires you a little :)


Gold Supporter
Senior User
I have way too much time on my hands, so I figured I would start giving back to this community by making tutorials to help people. This is probably not the place to post this, but I couldn't think of a better place...

Give me some suggestions or requests on tutorials. I will try my best to make them.

- LordPsyan

I'd love to see c++ myself, as I'm trying to learn it more in depth related to wow emulation, or just c++ in general.


Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
That's a lot of suggestions. I think in some cases a tutorial would have to be tailored towards a specific server core. Because some things work on one, That won't work on another. Wether it's parts of the scripting system that have changed, Or the database, Or the core itself. A generic tutorial doesn't always work.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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C++, wow emulation, how to bake a cake using matches and a gallon of gas... whatever. :)

Don't actually try to bake a cake with gasoline. Even though it is really really fun, it turns out that not only does it make cake taste bad.... but tends to burn down houses and garages...

Little confused as to why/how you know this information.. Not something someone typically decides to test :hmm:
Also, how much knowledge do you have in C++, or in other languages such as Java?

Gotta appreciate [MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION] though, you asked for possible ideas for tutorials, and he gives you this long list and calls it "a few suggestions" :'D


Verified Member
A basic history. I have been doing wow emulation, starting with antrix, then ascent, then switching to MaNGOS and TrinityCore, since 2007. I have been writing C++ scripts for both MaNGOS and Trinitycore since around 2010. Took 2 years of college for C++ and Unix system Administration.

I also try to have a sense of humor. I get bored often, since becoming disabled, and I want to help everyone I can... without getting screwed over or ripped off.

Enough about me though.as for the baking a cake with matches... it is a bit obvious that lighting a match near any quantity of gasoline would cause an explosion that would burn down a house, or a garage, where gasoline is more commonly stored.

My main focus in programming has always been C++, because it is more multiplatform than the rest, and I run Linux for my servers. I try to stay away from Java. I know a little C# and know nothing about LUA.

I am trying to break the code.... figuring out spell scripting in TC. Never had a use for it before, but lately people have been asking for more and more complex scripts. There is very little information on spell scripting out there.

on another note, the tutorials requested seem good, and I think the one I like the most that I will work on next, will be professions to 525. That should be fun :)