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Do you prefer 3.3.5 over 4.3.4?
If you tried compiling the Trinity 3.3.5 source based on the guides they give you only, then it wouldn't surprise me if you received errors. Took me a couple of tries to finally get it working, as was originally only able to compile it in 32x.
Do you remember what the errors were, if you still care to play 3.3.5? - If I can even remember how I fixed them :phew:

I was able to get trinity core 3.3.5a to compile but could never find a client that it liked the extracted dbc, mmaps, vmaps and maps for. Same with Mangos3 for 4.3.4.

Most MoP repacks aren't being updated anymore, I think mostly because there isn't enough attention for it. Most people want Vanilla to 4.3.4, and then the latest expansions.
Not sure why most people dislike MoP.

I like a lot of the additions in MoP, but I can only stand doing the panda starting area once or twice every few years, heh.


Verified Member
Do you prefer 3.3.5 over 4.3.4?
If you tried compiling the Trinity 3.3.5 source based on the guides they give you only, then it wouldn't surprise me if you received errors. Took me a couple of tries to finally get it working, as was originally only able to compile it in 32x.
Do you remember what the errors were, if you still care to play 3.3.5? - If I can even remember how I fixed them :phew:

Most MoP repacks aren't being updated anymore, I think mostly because there isn't enough attention for it. Most people want Vanilla to 4.3.4, and then the latest expansions.
Not sure why most people dislike MoP.

Thats not true for emucoaches MoP correct? it seems based on the main thread that there are tons of interest now and it was updated not that long ago. With BfA being pretty bad in terms of class design, and classic having a barebones playstyle, MoP is probably getting more popular.


Verified Member
I've tried Trinity Core 3.3.5 (not a repack) - a faff to set up but worked fine, and the 5.4.8 Blizzlike MoP repack from here which is great.

I started playing way back in vanilla, quit during WoD, returned late in Legion and really liked it, then wasn't too keen on BfA.


Silver Supporter
So far I've played some good solo oriented AzerothCore repack. Now switched to the Emucoach latest VIP, working great so far. I've always like LK settings more and it's probably the extension I've played the most, but as far as class gameplay, Cataclysm is way better.
I'd love to play on MOP for the pet battles, but couldn't get the repack working yet.

My dream would be a Legion repack to goof around doing WQs here and there, can't justify a sub just for that

Mr. Satan

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I was able to get trinity core 3.3.5a to compile but could never find a client that it liked the extracted dbc, mmaps, vmaps and maps for. Same with Mangos3 for 4.3.4.

I like a lot of the additions in MoP, but I can only stand doing the panda starting area once or twice every few years, heh.

I haven't experienced that issue? Then again, any time I have compiled 3.3.5, I've only used the same client every time - the same client I've had ever since I started playing WoW private servers, which was before MoP was released I believe.
MoP is when I got back into retail, and played throughout the entire expansion and is the only expansion I've played through, so I'm a bit biased for it. The starting area was always somewhat boring near the end after the first few times, but the intro always felt fun.