Do you prefer 3.3.5 over 4.3.4?
If you tried compiling the Trinity 3.3.5 source based on the guides they give you only, then it wouldn't surprise me if you received errors. Took me a couple of tries to finally get it working, as was originally only able to compile it in 32x.
Do you remember what the errors were, if you still care to play 3.3.5? - If I can even remember how I fixed themhew:
I was able to get trinity core 3.3.5a to compile but could never find a client that it liked the extracted dbc, mmaps, vmaps and maps for. Same with Mangos3 for 4.3.4.
Most MoP repacks aren't being updated anymore, I think mostly because there isn't enough attention for it. Most people want Vanilla to 4.3.4, and then the latest expansions.
Not sure why most people dislike MoP.
I like a lot of the additions in MoP, but I can only stand doing the panda starting area once or twice every few years, heh.