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Wanted to let those of you know.


Verified Member
I'll try to keep this to the point and short. I'm not sure where to begin with this, and I despise drama in all its forms. But, I talked to Exo about what happened and none of what transpired or said was done by me. Its a long tale but the gist of it is this. Several days ago I received a call that my grandfather had passed away; had a heart attack while taking out the garbage at some crap-hole apartment complex in Montana. Friends of mine work in the funeral business and we arranged to have his wishes to be buried with his wife in MD. So we had to have him flown in to BWI (Baltimore Washington International) and due to things as they are it took time and a lot of paper work.

In this time a so-called family member agreed to watch over things at our house while we made arrangements and took care of things. Little did I know this family member thought I was inheriting a mass amount of money and became jealous. I had/did get nothing but passed debt. I did this out of care not profit. But, he gained access to my office room found my backup phone and account book I kept secretly for emergency in my cooler master PC case. It had a "unknown" to some, service box at the bottom. He proceeded on a 2 day campaign of terror. He pretended to be me on: discord and many MMOs I played on/off, txted people and left awful accusations and racial hate filled rants. I got banned from many projects and Discord groups along with my mmo games.
To add salt to the wound he even took my new Nvidia-3090 from my gaming rig that I just built. I do apologize to all whom came across the imposter me. I'm sorry this happened.


Verified Member
Damn bro. That sucks. So sorry you had to deal with that. People get weird when a family member dies and I've seen family members do some very jerk-ish things when it comes to inheritance, or what they perceive is an inheritance or what they think they're "owed". Anyway, I hope things settle down for you.


Mythical User
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Superior Member
I'll try to keep this to the point and short. I'm not sure where to begin with this, and I despise drama in all its forms. But, I talked to Exo about what happened and none of what transpired or said was done by me. Its a long tale but the gist of it is this. Several days ago I received a call that my grandfather had passed away; had a heart attack while taking out the garbage at some crap-hole apartment complex in Montana. Friends of mine work in the funeral business and we arranged to have his wishes to be buried with his wife in MD. So we had to have him flown in to BWI (Baltimore Washington International) and due to things as they are it took time and a lot of paper work.

In this time a so-called family member agreed to watch over things at our house while we made arrangements and took care of things. Little did I know this family member thought I was inheriting a mass amount of money and became jealous. I had/did get nothing but passed debt. I did this out of care not profit. But, he gained access to my office room found my backup phone and account book I kept secretly for emergency in my cooler master PC case. It had a "unknown" to some, service box at the bottom. He proceeded on a 2 day campaign of terror. He pretended to be me on: discord and many MMOs I played on/off, txted people and left awful accusations and racial hate filled rants. I got banned from many projects and Discord groups along with my mmo games.
To add salt to the wound he even took my new Nvidia-3090 from my gaming rig that I just built. I do apologize to all whom came across the imposter me. I'm sorry this happened.
My condolences for your grandfather. The loss of someone so close is always difficult. I lost my grandmother two years ago without wanting her for more than 15 years :(.

For the problem of the ban and other crap that the guy did for you. Try to look at the history of everything. Ask google for all the browsing that was done with your pc's by your account. it will give you a big archive with all the details.
Make replication on all the important discord channels for you. Because you can still create an account and come and explain everything.
I'm still sorry that this happened to you. Strength to you!


Very sorry to hear about this too. But glad we were able to solve the breach of your account, never the less.
My condolences to your grandfather too.