- 12
- 2023
- 10
- Location
- Netherlands
- "Wandering Isle", "Mandori Village", "Pandaren"
- "Mandori Village Gate", "GameObject"
- "Bidden to Greatness", "Quest" Wowhead Link
- After starting the quest the gate will not open due to the phasemask not being set to 2048. Probably due to the related NPC's not being at the gate.
- Multiple NPC's should be at the gate "Aysa Cloudsinger", "Ji Firepaw", "JoJo Ironbrow". Video
I can probably fix this by setting the default phasemask of the gate to '1' in the database.
However I like to know if/how I could properly fix this bug so I can learn how to fix other bugs like this? (I am unable to find where phasemasks are being set or triggered in the database)
I would then put my fixes on the forum.
Additional info:
quest "Id" in "mop_world.quest_template" = "29792"
quest_objective "id" in "mop_world.quest_objective" = "263982"
gameobject "guid" in "mop_word.gameobject" = "540346" (opened gate)
gameobject "guid" in "mop_word.gameobject" = "540359" (closed gate)
gameobject "entry" in "mop_word.gameobject_template" = "211282" (opened gate)
gameobject "entry" in "mop_word.gameobject_template" = "210965" (closed gate)