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[Quest] Wandering Isle gate in Mandori Village not opening due to Phasemask


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Verified Member
  • "Wandering Isle", "Mandori Village", "Pandaren"
  • "Mandori Village Gate", "GameObject"
  • "Bidden to Greatness", "Quest" Wowhead Link
  • After starting the quest the gate will not open due to the phasemask not being set to 2048. Probably due to the related NPC's not being at the gate.
  • Multiple NPC's should be at the gate "Aysa Cloudsinger", "Ji Firepaw", "JoJo Ironbrow". Video
Setting the phasemask to 2048 manually as a GM opens that gate.
I can probably fix this by setting the default phasemask of the gate to '1' in the database.
However I like to know if/how I could properly fix this bug so I can learn how to fix other bugs like this? (I am unable to find where phasemasks are being set or triggered in the database)
I would then put my fixes on the forum.

Additional info:
quest "Id" in "mop_world.quest_template" = "29792"
quest_objective "id" in "mop_world.quest_objective" = "263982"
gameobject "guid" in "mop_word.gameobject" = "540346" (opened gate)
gameobject "guid" in "mop_word.gameobject" = "540359" (closed gate)
gameobject "entry" in "mop_word.gameobject_template" = "211282" (opened gate)
gameobject "entry" in "mop_word.gameobject_template" = "210965" (closed gate)


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
No 1 knows where I can find this relation in the database? I don't mind trying to fix the bug myself. Just need a little push in the right direction 😬


MoP Premium
Verified Member
Because I was here to find a Solution to the following Problems and there are no Posts about it,
I post it here for other people in case they have the same problem.

The phase change command wasn't working for me, and I found out why.
In Phase 2048 the first gate was open, but the quest wants me to open the second gate.
But there are no NPCs on the second gate to open it.

My solution was to test around with phases 2046-2050 until I found one phase with the first gate open again.
Then moved back to the Temple of five Dawns and cancel the Quest Bidden to Greatness.
Accept the Quest again and change the phase again to 2048 while you are IN the Temple.
Then the NPCs appear as soon as you go to the first gate, and you should be able to open the second gate with the NPCs.

In case you see something about no subcommands after you entered ".modify phase 2048", your GM level is too low.
You can test this with ".account onlinelist"