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Vanilla Repack - Light's Hope Based


Trial Member
The Ultimate Vanilla Repack

This as a complete repack of the open source Light's Hope emulator, with all of its features, including movement maps, anti-cheat protection, multi-language support, progression system, and even an optional custom mall located on gm island made by me. This project is a continuation of the Elysium/Nostalrius server cores and is actively developed. The full download link comes with all maps already extracted, to save you the 8+ hours it takes for the mmaps. Know that you need a decent computer to run this, especially if you choose to enable preloading of maps. I plan on updating the repack monthly, so keep checking the thread if you want to be up to date with any new bug fixes.

Repack Features:

- Anti-Cheat
- Progression
- Custom vendors
- All localized DBCs
- Registration page
- Maps, VMaps, MMaps

Supported client versions:

- 1.12.1
- 1.11.2
- 1.10.2
- 1.9.4
- 1.8.4
- 1.7.1

Instructions to run the server:
1. Open the batch file "Start MySQL.bat"
2. Start the login server "realmd.exe"
3. Start the game server "mangosd.exe"

You can login with admin/admin or you can make a new gm account with these commands:
account create <name> <password>
account set gmlevel <name> 6

The repack comes with multiple sets of binaries that you may switch between, depending on what client version you want to play with, or whether you want to run it on a x86 or x64 version of Windows. It is recommended that you use the 64-bit versions, as the server uses quite a bit of RAM, and hitting the 4GB memory limit for 32-bit processes is inevitable with more than a dozen players online. Remember to change your realmlist to in order to connect to the server. If you want other people to be able to join your server, then you need to go to the database and change the realm's ip address to you real one. It is located in the realmd->realmlist table.

The most attractive feature of this emulator is that it supports content progression, so if you want to restrict in-game content to that of an earlier patch, simply open the mangosd config file and change the WowPatch setting. It affects things like item stats, quest availability, creature spawns, battleground rewards and some mechanics. Real client progression is also a thing now! Only a few versions are currently supported, but this way you are be able to play with old talents and spell versions!

There are also custom vendors and trainers included in the repack that will make it easier for you to gear up new characters and train all your spells including those from class quests. To spawn them, you need to execute the file "Custom-GM_ISLAND_VENDORS.sql" located in "sql/custom" on the "mangos" database using either a MySQL client program like HeidiSQL, or the batch script provided for your convenience. Use the credentials root/root to connect to the MySQL database.

[Hidden content]

Credits goes to Light Hope and brotalnia for this!
Thank you


Trial Member
The Ultimate Vanilla Repack

This as a complete repack of the open source Light's Hope emulator, with all of its features, including movement maps, anti-cheat protection, multi-language support, progression system, and even an optional custom mall located on gm island made by me. This project is a continuation of the Elysium/Nostalrius server cores and is actively developed. The full download link comes with all maps already extracted, to save you the 8+ hours it takes for the mmaps. Know that you need a decent computer to run this, especially if you choose to enable preloading of maps. I plan on updating the repack monthly, so keep checking the thread if you want to be up to date with any new bug fixes.

Repack Features:

- Anti-Cheat
- Progression
- Custom vendors
- All localized DBCs
- Registration page
- Maps, VMaps, MMaps

Supported client versions:

- 1.12.1
- 1.11.2
- 1.10.2
- 1.9.4
- 1.8.4
- 1.7.1

Instructions to run the server:
1. Open the batch file "Start MySQL.bat"
2. Start the login server "realmd.exe"
3. Start the game server "mangosd.exe"

You can login with admin/admin or you can make a new gm account with these commands:
account create <name> <password>
account set gmlevel <name> 6

The repack comes with multiple sets of binaries that you may switch between, depending on what client version you want to play with, or whether you want to run it on a x86 or x64 version of Windows. It is recommended that you use the 64-bit versions, as the server uses quite a bit of RAM, and hitting the 4GB memory limit for 32-bit processes is inevitable with more than a dozen players online. Remember to change your realmlist to in order to connect to the server. If you want other people to be able to join your server, then you need to go to the database and change the realm's ip address to you real one. It is located in the realmd->realmlist table.

The most attractive feature of this emulator is that it supports content progression, so if you want to restrict in-game content to that of an earlier patch, simply open the mangosd config file and change the WowPatch setting. It affects things like item stats, quest availability, creature spawns, battleground rewards and some mechanics. Real client progression is also a thing now! Only a few versions are currently supported, but this way you are be able to play with old talents and spell versions!

There are also custom vendors and trainers included in the repack that will make it easier for you to gear up new characters and train all your spells including those from class quests. To spawn them, you need to execute the file "Custom-GM_ISLAND_VENDORS.sql" located in "sql/custom" on the "mangos" database using either a MySQL client program like HeidiSQL, or the batch script provided for your convenience. Use the credentials root/root to connect to the MySQL database.

[Hidden content]

Credits goes to Light Hope and brotalnia for this!


Veteran Member
I admit, Lights Hope is far more stable than Single Player Project. SPP would eventually break, and ruin your server, and leave you with continuing your character harder to do. I lost several of my servers due to SPP breaking.

Lights Hope has a different learning curve, as it uses different commands, but the stability is next level. I run the Emucoach 5.4.8 Pandaria repack, and it's been next level good, but for Vanilla WoW, Lights Hope is the best option on the net imo.

I'm someone who likes to customize my servers very heavily, and LH never let me down in the past. I have moved completely away from SPP due to years of instability, and feeling let down. I will make myself a good Vanilla Server again soon, and will make sure LH takes the throne for it. :)


Trial Member
The Ultimate Vanilla Repack

This as a complete repack of the open source Light's Hope emulator, with all of its features, including movement maps, anti-cheat protection, multi-language support, progression system, and even an optional custom mall located on gm island made by me. This project is a continuation of the Elysium/Nostalrius server cores and is actively developed. The full download link comes with all maps already extracted, to save you the 8+ hours it takes for the mmaps. Know that you need a decent computer to run this, especially if you choose to enable preloading of maps. I plan on updating the repack monthly, so keep checking the thread if you want to be up to date with any new bug fixes.

Repack Features:

- Anti-Cheat
- Progression
- Custom vendors
- All localized DBCs
- Registration page
- Maps, VMaps, MMaps

Supported client versions:

- 1.12.1
- 1.11.2
- 1.10.2
- 1.9.4
- 1.8.4
- 1.7.1

Instructions to run the server:
1. Open the batch file "Start MySQL.bat"
2. Start the login server "realmd.exe"
3. Start the game server "mangosd.exe"

You can login with admin/admin or you can make a new gm account with these commands:
account create <name> <password>
account set gmlevel <name> 6

The repack comes with multiple sets of binaries that you may switch between, depending on what client version you want to play with, or whether you want to run it on a x86 or x64 version of Windows. It is recommended that you use the 64-bit versions, as the server uses quite a bit of RAM, and hitting the 4GB memory limit for 32-bit processes is inevitable with more than a dozen players online. Remember to change your realmlist to in order to connect to the server. If you want other people to be able to join your server, then you need to go to the database and change the realm's ip address to you real one. It is located in the realmd->realmlist table.

The most attractive feature of this emulator is that it supports content progression, so if you want to restrict in-game content to that of an earlier patch, simply open the mangosd config file and change the WowPatch setting. It affects things like item stats, quest availability, creature spawns, battleground rewards and some mechanics. Real client progression is also a thing now! Only a few versions are currently supported, but this way you are be able to play with old talents and spell versions!

There are also custom vendors and trainers included in the repack that will make it easier for you to gear up new characters and train all your spells including those from class quests. To spawn them, you need to execute the file "Custom-GM_ISLAND_VENDORS.sql" located in "sql/custom" on the "mangos" database using either a MySQL client program like HeidiSQL, or the batch script provided for your convenience. Use the credentials root/root to connect to the MySQL database.

[Hidden content]

Credits goes to Light Hope and brotalnia for this!