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V16: Lots of Problems with NPCs in Loch Modan


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I'll keep updating this as I find more, but here they are:

1. Less than 12 Stonesplinter Troggs in the Stonesplinter Valley. Most of their camps are empty.
2. There are only 8 Tunnel Rat Surveyors, and they only spawn inside of the Silver Stream Mine, when they should be spawning in the camps surrounding the mine.
3. There are a dozen Thelsamar Mountaineers at level 85 who are killing all of the Forest Lurkers in the area surrounding Thelsamar, making the quest Looking for Lurkers very difficult to complete.
4. The amount of Forest Lurkers is nowhere near retail, as there's only a handful, and there are none in some of the areas where the quest log says they're supposed to spawn.


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5. No mobs of any kind in Ironwing Cavern, except for a single rare spawn.
6. Quest to Find Bingles (ID 2039) are triggering from a quest giver in Ironforge when they shouldn't, as it is a Classic only quest eliminated with Cataclysm.
7. Quest chain to get gunpowder for Ironbands expedition (starting with Ironband's Excavation ID 436) shouldn't start, as it was also eliminated with Cataclysm.
8. There are way too many Rams and Sheep creatures in eastern Loch Modan.
9. Gorruck Grizzlegut (ID 33456) doesn't drop a stash list with the location of all stolen documents.


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10. There's no ogres actually inside of the Mo'grosh Stronghold, except the quest target.

11. The Winds of Loch Modan (ID 27116) just starts automatically upon completion of Ando's Call (ID 27115), rather than upon accepting the new quest as in retail.

12. The Mountaineers at the Algaz Station don't provide the Hero's Call for the Wetlands as they do in retail.

I've finished the zone, that pretty much covers everything.