Verified Member
- 19
- 2021
- 40
So I was looking through the VP and JP vendors and realized that their inventory isn't correct for 4.3.4 and also that an NPC was missing from Orgrimmar.
So I decided to work on updating their inventory (and oh boy what a job this is)
First this will add the missing NPC:
Next up, it looks like the Valor Quartermasters still have their original inventory, so I updated their inventory to the ilvl397 items and tier 13:
Continued in lower posts...
So I decided to work on updating their inventory (and oh boy what a job this is)
First this will add the missing NPC:
-- missing NPC Rugok
SELECT MAX(guid)+1 into @var FROM creature;
INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zone`, `area`, `spawnMask`, `phaseMask`, `modelid`, `equipment_id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `spawntimesecs`, `spawndist`, `currentwaypoint`, `curhealth`, `curmana`, `MovementType`, `npcflag`, `unit_flags`, `dynamicflags`, `walkmode`, `saiscriptflag`) VALUES (@var, 58155, 1, 1637, 5356, 1, 1, 0, 58155, 1654.37, -4344.4, 64.5368, 5.92166, 300, 0, 0, 2614, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Next up, it looks like the Valor Quartermasters still have their original inventory, so I updated their inventory to the ilvl397 items and tier 13:
-- Aliance Valor Quartermaster - Faldren Tillsdale - 44245
-- Horde Valor Quartermaster - Jamus'Vaz - 46556
-- remove stock from valor justice vendors
DELETE FROM npc_vendor WHERE entry=46556 OR entry=44245;
-- insert ilvl 397 valor items
-- 250 conquest points
INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`,`slot`,`item`,`maxcount`,`incrtime`,`ExtendedCost`,`type`) VALUES (46556,1,390,25000,0,3411,2),
-- 2200 bones of the damned
-- 2200 chestplate of the unshakable titan
-- 2200 dragonflayer vest
-- 2200 ghostworld chestguard
-- 2200 shining carapace of glory
-- 2200 shadowbinder chestguard
-- 2200 decaying herbalists robes
-- 1250 dreamcrusher drape
-- 1250 indefatigable greatclick
-- 1250 woundlicker cover
-- 1250 batwing cloak
-- 1250 nanoprecise cape
-- 1650 bladeshatter treads
-- 1650 boneshard boots
-- 1650 sabatons of the graceful spirit
-- 1650 silver sabatons of fury
-- 1650 kneebreaker boots
-- 1650 rooftop griptoes
-- 1650 boots of fungoid growth
-- 1650 kavans forsaken treads
-- 1650 splinterfoot sandals
-- 1250 ring of torn flesh
-- 1250 band of reconstruction
-- 1250 emergency descent loop
-- 1650 grimfist crushers
-- 1650 gauntlets of feathery blows
-- 1650 arrowflick gauntlets
-- 1650 gloves of ghostly dreams
-- 1650 gleaming grips of mending
-- 1650 lightfinger handwraps
-- 1650 fungus-born gloves
-- 1650 clockwinders immaculate gloves
-- 1650 the hands of gilly
-- 2200 visage of petrification
-- 2200 jaw of repudiation
-- 2200 zeherahs dragonskull crown
-- 2200 wolfdream circlet
-- 2200 glowing wings of hope
-- 2200 nocturnal gaze
-- 2200 helmet of perpetual rebirth
-- 2200 hood of hidden flesh
-- 2200 soulgaze cowl
-- 1250 necklace of black dragons teeth
-- 1250 guardspike choker
-- 1250 opal of the secret order
-- 1250 threadlinked chain
-- 1250 cameo of terrible memories
-- 700 hungermouth wand
-- 700 scintillating rods
-- 700 gutripper shard
-- 700 stoutheart talisman
-- 700 lightning spirit in a bottle
-- 700 mindbender lens
-- 700 ripfang relic
-- 2200 robes of searing shadow
-- 2200 lightwarper vestments
-- 700 unexpected backup
-- 700 darting chakram
-- 700 windslicer boomerang
-- 1650 rotting skull
-- 1650 fire of the deep
-- 1650 kiroptyric sigil
-- 1650 bottled wishes
-- 1650 reflection of the light
-- 1650 forgesmelter waistplate
-- 1650 cord of dragon sinew
-- 1650 girdle of shamanic fury
-- 1650 blinding girdle of truth
-- 1650 demonbone waistguard
-- 1650 belt of hidden keys
-- 1650 vestals irrepressible girdle
-- 1250 bracers of unrelenting excellence
-- 1250 dragonbelly bracers
-- 1250 bracers of the spectral wolf
-- 1250 flashing bracers of warmth
-- 1250 heartcrusher wristplates
-- 1250 bracers of manifold pockets
-- 1250 luminescent bracers
-- 1250 chronoboost bracers
-- 1250 bracers of the black dream
-- raid finder DK DPS Necrotic Boneplate Battlegear
-- normal DK DPS
-- heroic DK DPS
-- raid finder DK Tank Necrotic Boneplate armor
-- normal DK tank
-- heroic DK tank
-- raidfinder rogue blackfang battleweave
-- normal rogue
-- heroic rogue
-- raid finder mage timelords regalia
-- normal mage
-- heroic mage
-- raid finder druid healer deep earth vestments
-- normal druid healer
-- heroic druid healer
-- raid finder druid feral deep earth battlegarb
-- normal druid feral
-- heroic druid feral
-- raid finder druid caster deep earth regalia
-- normal druid caster
-- heroic druid caster
-- raid finder warrior tank colossal dragonplate armor
-- normal warrior tank
-- heroic warrior tank
-- raid finder warrior dps colossal dragonplate battlegear
-- normal warrior dps
-- heroic warrior dps
-- raid finder hunter Wyrmstalker Battlegear
-- normal hunter
-- heroic hunter
-- raid finder shaman healer Spiritwalkers Vestments
-- normal shaman healer
-- heroic shaman healer
-- raid finder shaman melee DPS Spiritwalkers Battlegear
-- normal shaman melee
-- heroic shaman melee
-- raid finder shaman caster Spiritwalkers Regalia
-- normal shaman caster
-- heroic shaman caster
-- raid finder paladin healer Regalia of Radiant Glory
-- normal paladin healer
-- heroic paladin healer
-- raid finder paladin tank Armor of Radiant Glory
-- normal paladin tank
-- heroic paladin tank
-- raid finder paladin dps Battleplate of Radiant Glory
-- normal paladin dps
-- heroic paladin dps
-- raid finder warlock Vestments of the Faceless Shroud
-- normal warlock
-- heroic warlock
-- raid finder priest healer Vestments of Dying Light
-- normal priest healer
-- heroic priest healer
-- raid finder priest dps Regalia of Dying Light
-- normal priest dps
-- heroic priest dps
Continued in lower posts...
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