- 112
- 2021
- 93
- [Location, Faction, Race] The Deadmines, Alliance, Draenei Paladin
- [Name, Type] Cookie, NPC
- [Problem Description] When entering Cookie's room, Cookie becomes active for a very brief moment, taking his intended appearance and becoming attackable. He then reverts back to his state in the room, with the shadow effect texture returning and him once again becoming unattackable and untargettable. After this occurs, he continues to follow the player around until they leave the dungeon but performs no other actions and cannot be fought. This prevents the dungeon from completing. This occurred on normal difficulty, and I have not yet attempted heroic, although it seems likely the same issue occurs there as well. In the one time I was able to quickly attack him and one-shot him during the brief active period, he died properly but still became untargettable, preventing him from being looted.
- [How it should work] When the player steps into this room, Cookie should activate, remain active, leave the room and begin attacking players until killed, after which he should be able to be looted.