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V12 Buglist

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Mythical User
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Kobold candles not working The kobolds doesnt drop candles ID 60

Twilight falls ID 1199
There are Not spawning any Twilight mobs that drop that item called Twilight Pendant ID 26883

Rejuvenating touch ID 26948
The npc you need to Heal as night elf druid doesnt spawn in their starting area ID 26948

Into the Realm of Shadows doesnt give you the mount as a death knight ID 12687.

Quest ;Through the dream; ID 25325
Through the Dream - Quest - World of Warcraft
Quest does not tag as complete when you bring the Arch druid to Alysra.
Not being able to complete this quest stops the progress in Hyjal.

Opening questchain for Deepholm. Upon going to the abyss and completing the quest ;The Maelstrom;
you cannot pickup the following quest Deepholm, Realm of Earth; as alliance. This may be because alliance players are teleported to the horde area for this questchain
(I suspect this as there is a portal to Orgrimmar here instead of Stormwind.

Quest ;The Call of the World-Shaman. The Call of the World-Shaman - Quest - World of Warcraft - This quest cannot be completed.
The area is phased to the end of the quest, as opposed to the beginning.

Quest ;The Call of the World-Shaman. The Call of the World-Shaman - Quest - World of Warcraft - This quest cannot be completed.
The area is phased to the end of the quest, as opposed to the beginning.

Quest ;Crumbling Defences -- Crumbling Defenses - Quest - World of Warcraft --
The NPCs that needs relieving gets killed by the surrounding mobs forcing a long wait for their respawn.
They are not supposed to die to these mobs. Quest can be completed, however it will involve a lot of waiting.



Second boss

Helix Gearbreaker

bugs you into the ground and lets you go and you fall to ur death.

players sometimes have to use Heartstone to leave dungeons,
leaving dungeon by clicking the button next to minimap is not always working,
it just teleports back at the same dungeon i am in.

Razorfen Downs

2 Glutton spawns

Halls of origination

The Elevator doesnt work, meaning we cant those to go the first second and third floor

Throne of the tides

Mindbender ghur´sha

One shots you after the shaman comes to himself and ask for forgivness

The vortex pinnacle

we cannot pass the wind barrier



Battleship in ICC

does not spawn Muradin Bronzebeard so you can tell him you are ready


Lord Rhyolith after wipe we couldn't attack hes feets again

The floor at the boss "alyrazor" disappears
Screenshot by Lightshot

Baradin hold

You cant enter without using GM ON command

Throne of the four winds

When you fly with the Wind and land the world disappears

Traveler's tundra mammoth doesnt allow you to eject the vendors


Anduin Wrynn (stormwind)

This npc dies when you tell him to follow you


Strands of the Ancients round 2 doesnt start at all, the boat is not moving leaving you stuck at the middle of the ocean.
Also demolishers in that same bg have like only 42k hp, making it killable so fast.


Priest keep buffing

Shaman healer uses lightning shield instead of Mana shield

The bots do not move out of ground damage effects


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Deadmines On heroic (85)

Glubtok spawns at level 16

Helix Gearbreaker sits on a Oak Lackey at level 15

Some trash mobs spawns at level 15

Foe Reaper 5000 spawns at level 16

Hunter snake trap = Snakes do not attack
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Thanks for the good list! I’ll make sure to go it through before V13



Fixes so far from your buglist (1) on V13 (VIP):

-- buglist1

- Kobold candles not working The kobolds doesnt drop candles ID 60
CANT REPRODUCE - drops properly for me. Please retest in V13.

- Rejuvenating touch ID 26948
-- The npc you need to Heal as night elf druid doesnt spawn in their starting area ID 26948
Irc, there shouldn't be any new spawns? You should simply cast it on a Woundered Sentinel guard. I've done this, and it works correctly

-- Into the Realm of Shadows doesnt give you the mount as a death knight ID 12687.

-- Quest ;Through the dream; ID 25325

-- 2 Glutton spawns (Razorfen Downs)

-- Halls of Origination: The Elevator doesnt work, meaning we cant those to go the first second and third floor

-- The vortex pinnacle
- We cannot pass the wind barrier
Appears to be blizzlike.
Howling Gale - NPC - World of Warcraft

-- Battleship in ICC
Please re-test. Some improvements were made. ToDo: whole ICC after V13 (so it will be applied in V13.1)

-- Baradin hold
- You cant enter without using GM ON command
Works blizzlike. Only the faction that is in control of Tol Barad can enter the raid, Baradin Hold. (Works as intended).

-- Anduin Wrynn (stormwind), This npc dies when you tell him to follow you
It's just done to prevent spamming if the npc continues to be alive, since it summons a vehicle.
Seems ok to me. Would need to research what the blizzlike behavior is, to fix it.

-- Strands of the Ancients
Demolishers in that same bg have like only 42k hp, making it killable so fast.

-- Npcbots
- Priest keep buffing

--- Deadmines On heroic (85)
- Glubtok spawns at level 16
- Helix Gearbreaker sits on a Oak Lackey at level 15
- Some trash mobs spawns at level 15
- Foe Reaper 5000 spawns at level 16
FIXED. Big thanks to Damien!


"Throne of the four winds
When you fly with the Wind and land the world disappears"
Fixed on V13 (VIP)
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