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V11 (Hotfixed) - Excising the Taint Quest


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
[Location, Faction, Race]Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Excising the Taint, Quest
[Problem Description] Killing a Bloodfang Stalker should trigger the quest. No quest appears on killing. Bloodfang Stalker should also have a Red Exclamation point as an indicator.
[How it should work] Quest should pop up on kill via a UI Alert

Quest Info: https://cata-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?quest=27181
Video of Quest on Blizz server: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceas1dUI82U&feature=youtu.be

Manually adding the quest it is complete able with UI Alert appearing on final kill, however the next quest in the chain (Seek and Destroy) for some reason I clicked accept and it did not add it to my quest log. I'm assuming its supposed to be auto accept.