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Tutorial - How to add another realm on your server


This is a tutorial on how to have two realms running on your server. - I would like to let you know that this is a share from "The Ghost"

First open your server folder, there you will see 2 folders ( core and server or _server)
Add a new folder and name core2 for ex, you can name it how you want
Go in core folder and copy all files in core2 (your new created folder)
Open your worldserver.config file from second core
inside look for:

RealmID = 1 and change 1 with 2 (RealmID = 2)

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;auth" leave it like this
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;world" change world with world2 ( ";3306;root;ascent;world2" )
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;characters" change characters with characters2 ( ";3306;root;ascent;characters2")

WorldServerPort = 8085 Change 8085 with 8086 (WorldServerPort = 8086)
After you are done close and save it

Time for Database (mysql)

First lets open your mysql server (inside _server or server you have mysql_start.bat, open it and minimize it.
Open Your Database editor (i use navicat)
Enter your server info.
Host : localhost or
Port : 3306 (your mysql port)
User : root
password : ascent
Hit ok

There in your right part of your screen are your databases:
auth - characters - world

Duble click on auth and look for realmlist table, open it:
Inside are the info of your first ream,lets insert a new record
hit the key Insert from your kayboard and enter the next info:
Id - 2
Name - the name of your second realm.Insert what you want.
address - for localhost
port - 8086
the rest of info set them like your first realm.
Close the table and hit save if ask

Now duble click on characters database to open, right click and select Dump SQL File...
Enter the name characters2 and set the address where you want to save it (lets say on desktop)
When its done do the same thing with the world database and name it world2

Now lets create new databases for them:
Press right click in the right part of your screen (duh ) and select New Database
Enter the name characters2 , duble click on it, right click and select Execute SQL File... go to your desktop and select characters2
Do the same thing with world2 and that's it

Go to your core folder and start authserver.exe and worldserver.exe- this will start your first server
Go to core2 and start worldserver.exe - the authserver.exe and authserve.config from core2 can be deleted , you dont need them any more.


Verified Member
Go to core2 and start worldserver.exe - the authserver.exe and authserve.config from core2 can be deleted , you dont need them any more.
there is beter to do that for many users
Go to core2 and RENEME worldserver.exe whit worldserver2.exe then start it .
many can have problem whit worlderver.exe runing alreadyand second server wont start

GREAT alot of people will benefit from this!

neah not to many becose they dont have more then 1000 players on 1 realm or they dont have resources to keep 2 or 3 reams

:)) be happy :))


Verified Member
If you want more realms you need server machine cant be done on a home pc.The tutorial is great for users who want to advance in wow emulation.If you have problems with running 2nd worldserver simply change the realm port exemple - (8085) = (8086) as i did.


Senior User
Veteran Member
I have a problem, de second core don't open, I follow all the steps... I have emucouch cataclysm v5, and I want a second real of MoP, but de core of MoP close instantly, this is the report of /logs/server.log:

DatabasePool auth NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
Cannot connect to login database;3306;root;ascent;auth

You can help me please?


I have a problem, de second core don't open, I follow all the steps... I have emucouch cataclysm v5, and I want a second real of MoP, but de core of MoP close instantly, this is the report of /logs/server.log:

DatabasePool auth NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
Cannot connect to login database;3306;root;ascent;auth

You can help me please?

You need to make sure auth matches both versions of the cores.


Verified Member
So i did everything as shown. Works great all the way up to connecting to new realm. I get stuck on connecting, and in my worldserver for second realm i get this error.

WorldSocket::handle_input_header(): client (account: 1, char [GUID: 0, name: <none>]) sent malformed packet (size: 61519, cmd: -407469430)

Any idea of what i am doing wrong?
This is the version im using. 4.3.4
EmuCoach v8 rev. 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)


Verified Member
Never mind figured it out just changed port number for second realm to an unused port. 8086 didn't work.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I learned about this the hard way. And here it is. Simple, and direct. I thought I was going to have to search, and youtube til I dropped again, as I forgot how I did it. Thank you! lol :)