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TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)


Veteran Member
Hello everyone, I want to share to you TrinityCore NPCBot Repack
(Update 2020-09-07)

About this repack:

This repack is TrinityCore revision: 68a4085427a8 using latest NPCBot update by Trickerer
This repack is for Solo Player. Here some modified setting:

- 10 professions a character can learn.
- 0 signatures on charters to create a guild.
- Quests always grant full experience upon completion.
- Creature kills always grant full experience upon kill.
- Map exploration always grant full experience upon discovery.
- Aggro Radius reduced by half.
- Creature Flee Radius disable.
- Creature Assist Radius reduced by half.
- Movement speed rate change to 1.15
- Death Sickness Disable.
- Double exp on weekend.
- Ahbot seller and buyer enable.
- Maximum number of NPCbots allowed for players is 19.
- Gain Honor on killing Guard and Elite.
- Solo LFG disable (Need testing, sometimes give you crash when you enter dungeon or instance).
- Autobalance enable on Dungeon and Instance
- AutoBalance Dungeon ScaleDown XP for single player.
- Autobalance set for single player.
- You can change AutoBalance difficulty on worldserver.conf --> AutoBalance.playerCountDifficultyOffset change to 1,2 or 3 or ingame gm command .vas

- NPCbots by trickerer --> GitHub - trickerer/Trinity-Bots: NPCBots for TrinityCore 3.3.5
- AutoBalance by aleigood --> GitHub - aleigood/TrinityCore-Autobalance: New Autobalance for TrinityCore 3.3.5
- Honor Guard Elite Patch
- Solo LFG (disable, need testing)

- Repack: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ulKewTNRFez9FX-7Gv6SNd7kvS1INtxV/view?usp=sharing
- Download Client: Warmane | Download
Just download WotLK (Old) from Warmane, the new one can cause glitch to NPCBot face
- Enhanced Graphics for 3.3.5a: Облако Mail.ru

You can create account using command on worldserver.exe,
account create account password

You can also make you account become gm using command on worldserver.exe,
account set gmlevel account 3 -1

For gm command use .help for information
For NPCBot command use .npcbot for information
For Autobalance command use .vas

Database username and password:
User: root
Password: ascent
port: 3306

You can find information about NPCBot here:
GitHub - trickerer/Trinity-Bots: NPCBots for TrinityCore 3.3.5

I just compile and add some patch to this repack from the source above and share to you, if you find bug or error of the core you can post there. Thx


Verified Member
I found your repack on ownedcore. I just want to thank you again for a great pack. I love it. I hope you will keep working on it and releasing updates over time!


Mythical User
Silver Supporter
Superior Member
Hye man!
I wanted to say thank you. It's a good repack custom solo.
Google has blocked your link. But it was easy to find it on the web


Veteran Member

WotLK Single Player Update 9 Release (February 7th 2021)!!

UPDATE. Some of the changes are listed below:

- Update TrinityCore rev. 00d12ca4bfc4 2021-02-07 04:22:39 +0700 (3.3.5 branch)
- Update NPCBots v4.9.39a
- Implement AoE detection and avoidance within combat positioning.
- Attempt to fix disappearing bots on login.
- Add item comparison by total item stats score for autoequip menu.
- Add option to send item links when opening item (auto-)equip gossip menu.
- Rogue: implement Envenom rotation.
- Allow player target -only spells to target bots if explicitly targeted or used by scripts. NOT TESTED.
- Fix loaded bots dump creature entries sometimes get deleted.
- New AutoBalance
Default Autobalance only enable on Dungeon and Instance, you can make world scaling autobalance by editing autobalance on worldserver.config:
AutoBalance.DungeonsOnly = 0
AutoBalance.levelScaling = 1
AutoBalance.levelHigherOffset = 0
AutoBalance.levelLowerOffset = 0

- Custom Speed Game (Now it has setting on worldserver.config)
- Skip Death Knight Starting Area

How to save and load Player:
Save and Load your Player using .pdump on worldserver console:

Save your player in the old version:

Syntax: .pdump write $filename $playerNameOrGUID
Write character dump with name/guid $playerNameOrGUID to file $filename.

A file with your player name will be created, copy that file in the root of the new update of the repack.

Load your player in the new update):

Syntax: .pdump load $filename $account [$newname] [$newguid]
Load character dump from dump file into character list of $account with saved or $newname, with saved (or first free) or $newguid guid.

How to save and load NPC Bots:
Save and Load your NPC Bots using .npcbot dump on worldserver console:

Save your NPC Bots in the old version:

.npcbot dump write bots_backup (write to bots_backup.sql)
.npcb du w 1.txt (write to 1.txt)

The npcbot dump file will be saved in server root folder (Windows), copy that file in the root of the new update of the repack.

Load your NPC Bots in the new update):

.npcbot dump load bots_backup (load from bots_backup.sql)
.npcb du l 1.txt (load from 1.txt)

Load NPCBots info from a backup file into DB. Requires no players to be playing (use console) and will force a server restart after completion. If kick_players parameter is provided, all players will be kicked from server automatically. NPCBots mod must be already installed (all tables present)
FYour backup file must be stored in server root folder (Windows)

DOWNLOAD: WotLK Single Player Repack Update 9
DATA: data

Put data folder to server folder. If you already have previous data. You just have to download the server.


Verified Member
I want to try this when I have time.
Coming from the single player WotLK repack, trying one with NPC bots sounds interesting.
If nothing else, to have at least a healer bot to help with the single-player experience.


Veteran Member

TrinityCore WotLK Single Player Repack

Hello everyone, I want to share to you TrinityCore WotLK Single Player Repack.

About this repack:

This repack is for solo player experience. Here some modified setting:

- 11 professions a character can learn.
- 0 signatures on charters to create a guild.
- Quests always grant full experience upon completion.
- Creature kills always grant full experience upon kill.
- Map exploration always grant full experience upon discovery.
- Ignore raid group requirement when entering instances.
- Players free from gray until they reach level 30. then gray will start to attack them, until they reach max level.
- Aggro Radius reduced by half.
- Creature Flee Radius disable.
- Creature Assist Radius reduced by half.
- Movement speed rate change to 1.15
- Death Sickness Disable.
- Disable disconnect on AFK.
- Double exp on weekend.
- Ahbot seller and buyer enable.
- Maximum number of NPCbots allowed for players is 19.
- Solo LFG Enable.
- Eluna Engine enable.
- Custom Speed Game: you can increase the time speed in the game.
- Play Time Reward.
- Custom Attack Speed.
- Skip Death Knight Starting Area
- New Autobalance set for single player. Now Autobalance support with npcbot and World Scaling function
- AutoBalance Dungeon ScaleDown XP for single player.
- Default Autobalance only enable on Dungeon and Instance, you can make world scaling autobalance by editing autobalance on worldserver.config:
AutoBalance.DungeonsOnly = 0
AutoBalance.levelScaling = 1
AutoBalance.levelHigherOffset = 0
AutoBalance.levelLowerOffset = 0

- NPCbots by trickerer: GitHub - trickerer/Trinity-Bots: NPCBots for TrinityCore 3.3.5
- Autobalance for NPCBots: GitHub - trickerer/Autobalance_for_NPCBots: Autobalance for TrinityCore 3.3.5 with NPCBots integration
- Solo LFG: GitHub - TrinityCore/TrinityCoreCustomChanges at 3.3.5-lfgsolo
- Eluna Engine: GitHub - ElunaLuaEngine/ElunaTrinityWotlk: Eluna Lua Engine merged with Trinity 3.3.5
- Skip Death Knight Starting Area: GitHub - acidmanifesto/TC-Custom-Scripts: SPP Developer and affiliates. Public scripts.

- Repack: WotLK Single Player Repack Update 9
- Data: data
- Download Client: https://www.warmane.com/download
Just download WotLK (Old) from Warmane, the new one can cause glitch to NPCBot face
- Enhanced Graphics for 3.3.5a: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/3HHk/2KFqMfsfd

- Here is the macro command for spawn npc bot: Macro NPC Bot Spawn - Pastebin.com

This how to run server (Thx to malahmen):
1. run exe to unzip to folder
2. Put data folder to server folder
3. inside that folder, run "StartServer-NPCBot.bat" file.
4. authentication and the world server should pop up in two different consoles
5. go to your client folder
6. set server IP in realm list file (create one if none exists)
7. if you have a cache folder you might have to edit the realm list file inside too
8. run the client
9. create an account in the world server console
10. log in the client screen

You can create account using command on worldserver.exe,
account create account password

You can also make you account become gm using command on worldserver.exe,
account set gmlevel account 3 -1

For gm command use .Help for information
For NPCBot command use .NPCbot for information

Database username and password:
User: root
Password: root
port: 3306

How to save and load Player:
Save and Load your Player using .pdump on worldserver console:

Save your player in the old version:

Syntax: .pdump write $filename $playerNameOrGUID
Write character dump with name/guid $playerNameOrGUID to file $filename.

A file with your player name will be created, copy that file in the root of the new update of the repack.

Load your player in the new update):

Syntax: .pdump load $filename $account [$newname] [$newguid]
Load character dump from dump file into character list of $account with saved or $newname, with saved (or first free) or $newguid guid.

How to save and load NPC Bots:
Save and Load your NPC Bots using .npcbot dump on worldserver console:

Save your NPC Bots in the old version:

.npcbot dump write bots_backup (write to bots_backup.sql)
.npcb du w 1.txt (write to 1.txt)

The npcbot dump file will be saved in server root folder (Windows), copy that file in the root of the new update of the repack.

Load your NPC Bots in the new update):

.npcbot dump load bots_backup (load from bots_backup.sql)
.npcb du l 1.txt (load from 1.txt)

Load NPCBots info from a backup file into DB. Requires no players to be playing (use console) and will force a server restart after completion. If kick_players parameter is provided, all players will be kicked from server automatically. NPCBots mod must be already installed (all tables present)
FYour backup file must be stored in server root folder (Windows)

Source: https://github.com/zaicopx/TrinityCore-Single-Player
If anyone would like to make contribute. Thankyou

I just compile and add some patch to this repack from the source above and share to you, if you find bug or error of the core you can post on the link in feature above. Thx


Veteran Member

WotLK Single Player Update 10 Release (March 23rd 2021)!!

UPDATE. Some of the changes are listed below:

- Update TrinityCore rev. 075fe608149b 2021-03-23 18:48:59 +0700 (3.3.5-Single-Player-10 branch)
- Update NPCBots v4.9.41a
- Add nullptr checks for vehicle seats.
- Fix DB name in characters_view_bot_equipment.sql.
- Fix some warnings.
- Racial Swap Skills Abilities NPC (To add npc you can use command .npc add 98888 )

Before you load npcbot to latest repack, you need to follow this because there is a little problem if you load npcbot directly from the old server to the new server.
You need to copy and paste auth and world.exe from the latest update folder to the old server folder. After that, run the server as usual. Then you can save the NPCBot. Then you can use load npcbot as shown below.

How to save and load Player:
Save and Load your Player using .pdump on worldserver console:

Save your player in the old version:

Syntax: .pdump write $filename $playerNameOrGUID
Write character dump with name/guid $playerNameOrGUID to file $filename.

A file with your player name will be created, copy that file in the root of the new update of the repack.

Load your player in the new update):

Syntax: .pdump load $filename $account [$newname] [$newguid]
Load character dump from dump file into character list of $account with saved or $newname, with saved (or first free) or $newguid guid.

How to save and load NPC Bots:
Save and Load your NPC Bots using .npcbot dump on worldserver console:

Save your NPC Bots in the old version:

.npcbot dump write bots_backup (write to bots_backup.sql)
.npcb du w 1.txt (write to 1.txt)

The npcbot dump file will be saved in server root folder (Windows), copy that file in the root of the new update of the repack.

Load your NPC Bots in the new update):

.npcbot dump load bots_backup (load from bots_backup.sql)
.npcb du l 1.txt (load from 1.txt)

Load NPCBots info from a backup file into DB. Requires no players to be playing (use console) and will force a server restart after completion. If kick_players parameter is provided, all players will be kicked from server automatically. NPCBots mod must be already installed (all tables present)
FYour backup file must be stored in server root folder (Windows)

DOWNLOAD: WotLK Single Player Repack Update 10
DATA: data

Put data folder to server folder. If you already have previous data. You just have to download the server.

If you like my repack, you can support me. Thankyou


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Would love to try, but the Warmane site only lets us download WotLK or Mists of Pandaria, no WotLK (Old). Can anyone please upload the old client to MEGA? <3