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[Trinity] Registration & Status page for 4.3.4

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Verified Member
Hello, I'm in a dilemma at the moment. I wanted to use this website on my server, but I'm not exactly sure how to set it up. I've changed the files in the htdocs, but when I start Apache it tried to connect to and apparently cannot, so then it crashes saying "Press any key to continue...". I'm not sure what I'm doing. Do I need Xampp installed or am I just completely forgetting something? I believe it's just because of the IP that Apache is attempting to connect to as I have all my ports forwarded and the server is accessible publically, but I don't know how to change the bound IP. Any help is greatly appreciated! :)

You also want to make sure that your database is running before you try to setup the actual website. It needs to be able to access the database in order to save user info generated by the webpage.


Verified Member
My [Trinity] Registration & Status page for 4.3.4 Free Version

Welcome to my website signup page and server status page for your server! This was a very old script on the net abandoned and not working that I fixed and heavily modified especially for Emucoach.

This is the free version updated for the free repack and will not work with modified tables without modifications or the VIP version. The VIP version of this script can be found in the VIP area.

Installation instructions
Extract Zip file into your "_Server\htdocs" folder or" www" folder if using wampserver
start apache.bat or wamp
goto your http://insertyourIP/index.php

Advanced (for those who have changed default package installation)
When extracted go to your "core folder" and go to config.php and edit your database settings accordingly
You can edit the how to connect page by goiing to index.php and editing line 82 (default is "Set Your Realmlist as")



[Hidden content][Hidden content]
Please note if your using windows 10 and having issues please goto this thread https://www.emucoach.com/showthread...-with-EMUCOACH-repack-on-windows-10-Read-here!
Thank You bro
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