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[TRINITY/ARKCORE] How to make your own portal


Senior User
Making your own portal as an gameobject is pretty easy, i'll explain the basics so you can add your own portal if wanted :)

Step One: Finding your teleport spell.

First you will find an unused teleport spell, that teleports you somewhere or no where.
Best way to get one is to get in-game and type .lo spell teleport
Here are a few you can use; 95717 95718 95720 ( Some of them might already have locations, but are useless and they can be replaced easily. )

Step Two: Setting the location.
After you find out what spell you want to use, you go to the location of where you want the spell to teleport you and type .gps.
The GPS command pretty much gives you the location, mapid XYZ and Orientation.
After that, you open your database and find the table spell_target_position in world.
Add a new row, or modify an existing one. Use the ID of the spell, and set the coordinates you got by typing .GPS
Reload the table in-game or restart your server and type .CAST (SpellID) or learn the spell and use it to see if it teleports u to the right place.

Step Three: Making your portal.
Open the table gameobject_template, and start make a new row with an unused entry ID, something like 66669 and a name into whatever you want, "Portal to the Mall" for example. and leave anything else un-needed blank or at 0.
You must set the type to 22(Spellcaster), and set a display that looks good to you. You can find display IDs by looking at other existing portals or gameobjects. You can also set the faction to 1 or 2, if you want it to be faction-specific. If not just leave it at 0 and set it's size to one or higher if wanted. - Then you find the column Data0 - That is where you enter the SpellID of the teleport spell.

-Now since you have done that, you are pretty much done with making your portal to your mall for example, reload gameobject_template and spell_target_pos or restart your server, then spawn the gameobject and there you go! You have your own portal!
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Very useful since there's many people who doesn't know how to do it.

Thanks for this!

-- Will move it to tutorial section soon, where it fits better :)


Senior User
Very useful since there's many people who doesn't know how to do it.

Thanks for this!

-- Will move it to tutorial section soon, where it fits better :)

Awesome, thanks.
Couldn't find a tutorial section lol also love your postcount. 69 ^^