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Throne of the Four Winds Al'Akir Crashes Server


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  • [Location, Faction, Race] Throne of the Four Winds, Alliance and Horde, seen on Blood Elf Death Knight, Worgen Druid, Blood Elf Rogue
  • [Name, Type] Al'Akir, Boss Scripting
  • [Problem Description] After Al'Akir is reduced to 20% Health he breaks the platform and gives players flight, which seems to work as intended for characters on my GM account, possibly with a longer delay before giving flight than Blizzlike but nothing major or gamebreaking, however, characters on my non-GM account and my friend's account, also non-GM, fall, are given flight, and start to be floated upwards, before the server freezes. This effects all players on the server and it has to be restarted. While I'm not 100% sure that this is tied to GM, I have tested with several GM and non-GM characters and in all cases the GM account characters are fine, despite having no GM commands active at the time, while the non-GM characters will always cause the server to freeze.
  • [How it should work] After Al'Akir is reduced to 20% health, he should give all players flight regardless of account permissions, allowing them to defeat him in the final phase. He should never cause the server to crash.


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Hrmm, I wasn't able to reproduce after some corrections. Means I probably reproduce it incorrectly.
In that case - Are you doing it alone, or as a group on the non GM chars?
I had been encountering it reliably with both solo and as a group when non-GM characters are present in V15. I have so far only tested as a group in V16, however I am happy to test solo again as well if it would help. The group consisted of two actual players, no bots.

This is the message the server gave me when the crash happened:

C:\Users\Emil\Desktop\Emulation\EC2021\EC2020newGOLD\EC434_2022\src\server\game\Entities\Object\Object.h:962 in WorldObject::GetMap ASSERTION FAILED:


Verified Member
  • [Location, Faction, Race] Throne of the Four Winds, Alliance and Horde, seen on Blood Elf Death Knight, Worgen Druid, Blood Elf Rogue
  • [Name, Type] Al'Akir, Boss Scripting
  • [Problem Description] After Al'Akir is reduced to 20% Health he breaks the platform and gives players flight, which seems to work as intended for characters on my GM account, possibly with a longer delay before giving flight than Blizzlike but nothing major or gamebreaking, however, characters on my non-GM account and my friend's account, also non-GM, fall, are given flight, and start to be floated upwards, before the server freezes. This effects all players on the server and it has to be restarted. While I'm not 100% sure that this is tied to GM, I have tested with several GM and non-GM characters and in all cases the GM account characters are fine, despite having no GM commands active at the time, while the non-GM characters will always cause the server to freeze.
  • [How it should work] After Al'Akir is reduced to 20% health, he should give all players flight regardless of account permissions, allowing them to defeat him in the final phase. He should never cause the server to crash.
I have the same problem。After Al'Akir is reduced to 20% Health he breaks the platform and gives players flight。the server keeps crashing