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[TFC-WOW] The Forgotten Crusade - Coming out next month!


Verified Member

Greetings, everyone!

The Forgotten Crusade - TFC is a custom server that has been under development since March, 2018. The good news? It's almost up for beta-release. The expected date for the beta-release is August 31, 2020.

TheForgottenCrusade makes use of all aspects of the game that make it what it is: Ranging from fast-paced custom leveling to blizzlike as well as custom PvE, PvP, RP features, new armor and weapon models never seen before, custom BGs, world bosses and so on with a detailed storyline following throughout.
Note: Max level is 80 with regulated gear sets.

We have already managed to accumulate a small community of around 30 Members on discord. I am still looking to expand that number before the beta phase. That will help us collect enough feedback from an adequate number of players as well as hearing your different perspectives and opinions on the content. News and development updates are being shared in a progressive manner on our server.

Kindly follow the link below to be a part of the beta-release and to keep up with the latest news & updates:
The Forgotten Crusade

Thanks for reading through,
Hope to see you on the planes of Azeroth, Crusader!
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Sounds interesting!

I really hope it will go well, upon releasing. Best of luck!