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Teamviewer Your Trial Period Has Expired (Fix)


Trial Member
replying in order to see the original content. Hopefully this one actually works.

Hello this tutorial will fix the "your trial period has expired" error you get on teamviewer, if you follow the steps and do it correctly.
I will keep it as short as possible, to not make it look confusing.

In case you wonder why you get that error and others don't; It's because you have selected the default option ‘For Commercial Use’ BUT you should have selected ‘For Personal Use’

Anyways, I'm here to fix that up for you. Credits goes to google and myself.

Step 1: ***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

-- And it's now working, if you have done everything correctly - Enjoy!

- Teamviewer Your Trial Period Has Expired - Tutorial - Fix.


Trial Member
No longer works for TV 12.

Hello this tutorial will fix the "your trial period has expired" error you get on teamviewer, if you follow the steps and do it correctly.
I will keep it as short as possible, to not make it look confusing.

In case you wonder why you get that error and others don't; It's because you have selected the default option ‘For Commercial Use’ BUT you should have selected ‘For Personal Use’

Anyways, I'm here to fix that up for you. Credits goes to google and myself.

Step 1: ***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

-- And it's now working, if you have done everything correctly - Enjoy!

- Teamviewer Your Trial Period Has Expired - Tutorial - Fix.


Trial Member
The comments lead me to believe this to be a prank but we'll see I suppose.

Edit: It was in fact not a prank. I uninstalled TeamViewer, deleted /AppData/Local/Temp/TeamViewer and /AppData/Roaming/TeamViewer then reinstalled and it fixed the issue. Thanks OP
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