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Taunt BUG :: Aggro & Threat


Verified Member
Hi everyone,
I tried to search in the forum but I don't seem to have found other posts about the problem I am reporting.

I am using the "VIP Gold v.15 Cataclysm" and have encountered a problem in Taunt spells of all classes.

When a player performs a taunt, the target of the spell turns to him. But after 2/3 seconds the mob returns to the first one in the aggro table. This is because the spell does not "match" the threat value of the player who used it with that of the player who was first in the target's aggro table.

Searching online I found this link which I don't know if it will help: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues/21499

Is there a way to solve this problem? it is really very complicated to be able to carry out fights in which the exchange between the tanks must be fast.

Thanks everyone as always :)


hi @ExO ,
but was it fixed in v16? because I don't seem to have found it in the changelogs :/
thank you :)
Oopsie, I forgot to include that one in the changelog. But it's already fixed and inserted in the V16, yes :)