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[SQL - Release] 5.4.8 MoP (Skyfire) Players Start With Flying Skills (Max Skilled)


Gold Supporter
Epic Member
-- Players Start With Flying Skills (ALL) "Originally Created For Aegwynn"
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell` VALUES ('0', '0', '115913', 'Wisdom Of The Four Winds');
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell` VALUES ('0', '0', '33388', 'Apprentice Riding');
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell` VALUES ('0', '0', '33391', 'Journeyman Riding');
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell` VALUES ('0', '0', '34090', 'Expert Riding');
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell` VALUES ('0', '0', '90267', 'Flight Masters License');
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell` VALUES ('0', '0', '54197', 'Cold Weather Flying');
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell` VALUES ('0', '0', '34091', 'Artisan Riding');
INSERT INTO `playercreateinfo_spell` VALUES ('0', '0', '90265', 'Master Riding ');

This SQL Query will give the players "max riding/flying skills" upon character creation.

Please dont claim this as your own work. ( it may be simple, but show some respect )

May be released with proper credits provided. Thank you!

and no i havent stolen this. "penta from ac-web" is a very close friend of me. he has given me permission