Gives me so much anxiety bc what if something happens and you can’t get ahold of ExO. A likely possible scenario that could be any moment is your pc updates on you and sometimes it’s bit tricky to prevent it if that could ever mess it up. Just would hope a restore works

. Fear of never getting on againnnnnn.

maybe you get VPs working to your surprise and then need to wait and wonder if the master will be there :s & ponder do I just hamachi lol or will thou be there shortly and I’d have to copy my character progress over so I’m like stunned waiting having heard nothing more than 24hr pondering if I’ll be fixed up or if it could be specified. :s Makes me crazy how much I’ve thought about this key & it’s only bc the VPs.
I’ll really only play & stream if im controlling 2 w0w acc so this online is a necessity.
I understand the key but feels so moot outweighing it’s purpose bc couldn’t anyone fake the hwid with the many available programs or are you just out of luck worst scenario? Out of luck would be the worst with how time consuming this can be. Not trying to wham bam pop few gm commands play for few hr get bored n quit

bet so much ppl do that. I’ve got so much addons & keybinds to situate still, and other nice things.
+++ what if pc acts out randomly ,

, overheating is the #1 cause of dead pcs. Seems dumb to have to just wait months to generate a new license , if you played a lot oh suddenly can’t play for awhile . Sucks lol