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Rude People


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We all bump into at least one person who is rude I know I do at least once daily taking my children to school and not only does it annoy me but it can be belittling as well depending on how rude they are and for what reason.

How often do you tend to bump into rude people?


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I despise rude people. I can never understand how some people can be so rude and even obnoxious it really is not pleasant to witness and it doesn't make you seem like a very friendly person. I have on numerous occasions met rude people even some that just forget there are manners and that they should be using them which just gets my back up if I am honest. I tend to bump into rude people on a daily basis with my job and as much as it gets my back up and annoys me it's something I ride over and ignore as best I can for an easy life.


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Senior User
I occasionally meet rude people, but for the most part I've noticed it usually at walmart while I'm shopping for some reason people lose their minds in that place. If i come across a rude person I usually let them know lol.


Verified Member
I occasionally meet rude people, but for the most part I've noticed it usually at walmart while I'm shopping for some reason people lose their minds in that place. If i come across a rude person I usually let them know lol.

Once a month, I may meet new, rude people. It's not the worth the hassle letting them know and creating confrontation. It could end up in a fight, it's best to walk away from the situation.


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I meet a lot of them everywhere. This outbreakj is caused by growing up always getting their way, and no trips to the woodshed.... lol It's best to just ignore them, as attentyion is what most thrive on. The feeling of belittling others publically is their bread & butter. :phew:


Verified Member
Publicly in a standoff situation with strangers, diffusing the situation and walking away from it is always the best policy I believe.

However, in rare instances where you are verbally put on the defense or singled out, it's fair game to stand your ground on an issue, but try not to allow any situation to escalate too far.


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MoP Premium
in my field of work everyday, plus given where I live in FL, we deal with rude people constantly that feel they are better than you because they are on vacation and you live here year round.


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Corning NY
Rudeness in and of itself isn’t an issue imho. I’d rather someone get to the point with me and be rude than other things that annoy me. I think a lot of people misunderstand why some are rude. I think a lot of people take my abruptness for rudeness. It’s not, I just value my time. Please don’t waste it. If I’m giving you my time, it’s because I value you.

(My opinion)
Other things that are worse than rudeness:
Willful ignorance, after being corrected on a subject, continue to be wrong.
General rage/anger, calm down before you die of a heart attack. It also makes you forgetful.
Cussing. There’s simply no excuse for it. It’s crass and makes you dumber. Instead of using our vocabulary, cussing tends to replace a whole host of words.
Being offended at everything, these people need to simply grow up. I don’t care what I said that offended you. You may find me rude, but I find you insufferable.
Mindlessness. This one bugs me the most I think. How can so many people go through life asleep at the wheel?

If you run into a lot of rude people, go through my list and see if you fit somewhere on it. Be honest with yourself. You might find that the people who are being short with you, simply find some easy to fix flaw annoying. Also it could be that you’re in the wrong line of work and need to find better employment.


Verified Member
Seems to be more and more rude people out there, or I am just getting sick of humans as I get older LOL.


Verified Member
You are lucky that you are not a resident of Russia or Ukraine, wherever you look everywhere aggressive and intolerant people. I'm even thinking about switching to play on foreign game servers because it is unbearable to be in the company of Russian speakers.


Verified Member
You are lucky that you are not a resident of Russia or Ukraine, wherever you look everywhere aggressive and intolerant people. I'm even thinking about switching to play on foreign game servers because it is unbearable to be in the company of Russian speakers.

To be fair, even though russians are notorious in games like csgo to insult peoples mothers (lel), the competitive"ness" of video games rose immensely since around the time mw2 was released back in 2009. Therefore, people went into the habbit of really going for those positive statistics and striving for getting better and better in online modes. This all then resulted to those problems we are having nowadays. Like people being rude to others who are not even close to the capability levels of the ones complaining, as a lot of them "bad players" have only just started out with the game itself (this can especially be observed in games like league of legends & the constant smurfing of bronze & silver players). The point that im trying to make is that, it really doesn't matter from which place you come from (as in what server you play on that is local to you), you will always witness that most of a game's online playerbase will be entitled pratts. So the best way to go about online gaming nowadays is to just ignore those type of players and start concentrating more about those generous & nice people, aswell as also defending them if you see others who are speaking to them in their rude manner.