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repack thorignir legion


Verified Member
repack https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mm1F2mbJrG-Z9ax6tgcepW5hHp48FvPS/view

7.3.5 26365 you must test this repack...is amazing

Hello to all the WoWemu community
This time I come to share with you the Base Repack of a new legion 7.3.5 project that we are carrying out. @remamakiller, Dim, @kerplunk and some others devs.

I want to share this repack in support of the WoW EMU community and other WoW emulation forums.

Repack info:

Version: Legion 7.3.5 26365?
Type: Blizzlike?
Initial zones that are always bugs: worgen, goblin, panda, death knight, demon hunter are working.?
Classes: almost all classes are working.?
Spells: working in almost all its totality.?
Legion dungeons and raids: working in almost all its functionality.?
Classic, The Burning Crusade, The lich king, Cataclysm, Pandaria and Warlord of Draenor dungeons and raids: Working, most of them are scripted, but some fixes are missing.?
Core has been optimized so that at startup it doesn't use more than 4gb of ram, before it needed at least 12gb of ram to start.?
Dungeon Finder: Working.?
Raid Finder: Working.?
Group finder: Working.?
Adventure guide: Working(Except quest feature).?
Battlepay: Working (needs some fixes, but mostly working).?
Artifact system: Working.?
Mythics+: Working.?
Timewalking Event: Working.?
World Quests: Working.?
Account-wide Collections (Mounts, Heirlooms, Pets, Outfits/Cosmetics): Working.?
Transfigurator: Working ? (99%).?
Void Storage: Working ? (99%).?
Battle-Pet: Working ?.?
Brawler: Working, needs some fixes.?
Garrisons: Working, needs some fixes.?
Class Halls: Working. ??
Achievement system: Working, but may need some fixes.?
Artifact weapons and their missions: Working. ??
Timewalker Dungeons: Working ? (99%).?
Personal Loot: Working ? (99%).?
Custom scripts like: Announce login, Arena Spectator, boss announcer, rate modifier and some more scripts.?

Downloads link:
Repack: Thorignir Legion 7.3.5 Repack.zip | World of Warcraft Emulation (Size: 9GB)
Client: Download World of Warcraft 7.3.5 29672 Win US - Legion - WoWDL | World of Warcraft Emulation (Size: 39GB)
Replace client 29672 to this client 26365: Click here
If you have any issues with ssleay and others dll download: OpenSSL 64Bits

MySQL Info:

User: root
Pass: ascent
Port: 3306

Account in-game:

Account with admin privileges:
User: gamemaster@gamemaster.com
Pass: gamemaster

Player Accounts:

User: player@player.com pass: player
User: player1@player1.com pass: player1
User: player2@player2.com pass: player2
User: player3@player3.com pass: player3
User: player4@player4.com pass: player4
User: player5@player5.com pass: player5

Important: currently the creation of accounts by .bnet create example@example example is disabled, to create more accounts you will need to create a web on localhost, it can be blizzcms/fusiongen/simplewotlkregistrationpage which are the most known.

Credits to: TrinityCore, Uwow, nordrassill and everyone who has contributed fixes to this source code.

Donations are welcome to my paypal: lugofuenmajl@gmail.com to continue the development of the core.

My discord: d3athbl0w#9153?


Trial Member
when i use Dungeon Finder, it tell me "you can't do that while fatigued" , so i can't enter Dungeon. Please help.


Verified Member
Only top download link is working?
i m testing thorignir repack and a lot of events are scripted and it works perhaps you will correct various things i think this version is very advanced

i test this version with a female orc level 255 in gm mode


Verified Member
No pets found for battles and battle trainers do not have options for battles.. No solo dungeons, looks for groups or you must go to the dungeon (the dungeons are working). How to earn coins for ingame store? What do I use the Nordrissal coin for? Most of the content does work.


Verified Member
Thanks for repack.
Took a while to configure since I downloaded the wrong client version and had to change all the gamebuild info in the .confs.
It also took quite a while to connect/load/enter realm through the client. Didn't know why.
I can happily create a char and play, but would like npcbots or playerbots.
Are you willing to share source through Github and allow forks?
Thanks anyway for an enjoyable repack!


Gold Supporter
Дренеї стартова зона квестів порушена. Не дуже гарне перше враження.
As I've noticed this is a big problem, almost all repack builds are 7.3.5. I wonder if there is any way to fix this


Silver Supporter
Verified Member
repack https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mm1F2mbJrG-Z9ax6tgcepW5hHp48FvPS/view

7.3.5 26365 you must test this repack...is amazing

Hello to all the WoWemu community
This time I come to share with you the Base Repack of a new legion 7.3.5 project that we are carrying out. @remamakiller, Dim, @kerplunk and some others devs.

I want to share this repack in support of the WoW EMU community and other WoW emulation forums.

Repack info:

Version: Legion 7.3.5 26365?
Type: Blizzlike?
Initial zones that are always bugs: worgen, goblin, panda, death knight, demon hunter are working.?
Classes: almost all classes are working.?
Spells: working in almost all its totality.?
Legion dungeons and raids: working in almost all its functionality.?
Classic, The Burning Crusade, The lich king, Cataclysm, Pandaria and Warlord of Draenor dungeons and raids: Working, most of them are scripted, but some fixes are missing.?
Core has been optimized so that at startup it doesn't use more than 4gb of ram, before it needed at least 12gb of ram to start.?
Dungeon Finder: Working.?
Raid Finder: Working.?
Group finder: Working.?
Adventure guide: Working(Except quest feature).?
Battlepay: Working (needs some fixes, but mostly working).?
Artifact system: Working.?
Mythics+: Working.?
Timewalking Event: Working.?
World Quests: Working.?
Account-wide Collections (Mounts, Heirlooms, Pets, Outfits/Cosmetics): Working.?
Transfigurator: Working ? (99%).?
Void Storage: Working ? (99%).?
Battle-Pet: Working ?.?
Brawler: Working, needs some fixes.?
Garrisons: Working, needs some fixes.?
Class Halls: Working. ??
Achievement system: Working, but may need some fixes.?
Artifact weapons and their missions: Working. ??
Timewalker Dungeons: Working ? (99%).?
Personal Loot: Working ? (99%).?
Custom scripts like: Announce login, Arena Spectator, boss announcer, rate modifier and some more scripts.?

Downloads link:
Repack: Thorignir Legion 7.3.5 Repack.zip | World of Warcraft Emulation (Size: 9GB)
Client: Download World of Warcraft 7.3.5 29672 Win US - Legion - WoWDL | World of Warcraft Emulation (Size: 39GB)
Replace client 29672 to this client 26365: Click here
If you have any issues with ssleay and others dll download: OpenSSL 64Bits

MySQL Info:

User: root
Pass: ascent
Port: 3306

Account in-game:

Account with admin privileges:
User: gamemaster@gamemaster.com
Pass: gamemaster

Player Accounts:

User: player@player.com pass: player
User: player1@player1.com pass: player1
User: player2@player2.com pass: player2
User: player3@player3.com pass: player3
User: player4@player4.com pass: player4
User: player5@player5.com pass: player5

Important: currently the creation of accounts by .bnet create example@example example is disabled, to create more accounts you will need to create a web on localhost, it can be blizzcms/fusiongen/simplewotlkregistrationpage which are the most known.

Credits to: TrinityCore, Uwow, nordrassill and everyone who has contributed fixes to this source code.

Donations are welcome to my paypal: lugofuenmajl@gmail.com to continue the development of the core.

My discord: d3athbl0w#9153?


Silver Supporter
Verified Member
repack https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mm1F2mbJrG-Z9ax6tgcepW5hHp48FvPS/view

7.3.5 26365 you must test this repack...is amazing

Hello to all the WoWemu community
This time I come to share with you the Base Repack of a new legion 7.3.5 project that we are carrying out. @remamakiller, Dim, @kerplunk and some others devs.

I want to share this repack in support of the WoW EMU community and other WoW emulation forums.

Repack info:

Version: Legion 7.3.5 26365?
Type: Blizzlike?
Initial zones that are always bugs: worgen, goblin, panda, death knight, demon hunter are working.?
Classes: almost all classes are working.?
Spells: working in almost all its totality.?
Legion dungeons and raids: working in almost all its functionality.?
Classic, The Burning Crusade, The lich king, Cataclysm, Pandaria and Warlord of Draenor dungeons and raids: Working, most of them are scripted, but some fixes are missing.?
Core has been optimized so that at startup it doesn't use more than 4gb of ram, before it needed at least 12gb of ram to start.?
Dungeon Finder: Working.?
Raid Finder: Working.?
Group finder: Working.?
Adventure guide: Working(Except quest feature).?
Battlepay: Working (needs some fixes, but mostly working).?
Artifact system: Working.?
Mythics+: Working.?
Timewalking Event: Working.?
World Quests: Working.?
Account-wide Collections (Mounts, Heirlooms, Pets, Outfits/Cosmetics): Working.?
Transfigurator: Working ? (99%).?
Void Storage: Working ? (99%).?
Battle-Pet: Working ?.?
Brawler: Working, needs some fixes.?
Garrisons: Working, needs some fixes.?
Class Halls: Working. ??
Achievement system: Working, but may need some fixes.?
Artifact weapons and their missions: Working. ??
Timewalker Dungeons: Working ? (99%).?
Personal Loot: Working ? (99%).?
Custom scripts like: Announce login, Arena Spectator, boss announcer, rate modifier and some more scripts.?

Downloads link:
Repack: Thorignir Legion 7.3.5 Repack.zip | World of Warcraft Emulation (Size: 9GB)
Client: Download World of Warcraft 7.3.5 29672 Win US - Legion - WoWDL | World of Warcraft Emulation (Size: 39GB)
Replace client 29672 to this client 26365: Click here
If you have any issues with ssleay and others dll download: OpenSSL 64Bits

MySQL Info:

User: root
Pass: ascent
Port: 3306

Account in-game:

Account with admin privileges:
User: gamemaster@gamemaster.com
Pass: gamemaster

Player Accounts:

User: player@player.com pass: player
User: player1@player1.com pass: player1
User: player2@player2.com pass: player2
User: player3@player3.com pass: player3
User: player4@player4.com pass: player4
User: player5@player5.com pass: player5

Important: currently the creation of accounts by .bnet create example@example example is disabled, to create more accounts you will need to create a web on localhost, it can be blizzcms/fusiongen/simplewotlkregistrationpage which are the most known.

Credits to: TrinityCore, Uwow, nordrassill and everyone who has contributed fixes to this source code.

Donations are welcome to my paypal: lugofuenmajl@gmail.com to continue the development of the core.

My discord: d3athbl0w#9153?


MoP Premium
Veteran Member
The undead race are unplayable as you can't get rid of the stun effect when you're on the grave.
Battle pet not working
Undead race not working at all
and many more


Trial Member
hello how to add battle pay currency to the store? what is the command?

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