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Repack downloader plan and Repack starter souce code


Trial Member
First of all, Happy new year to everyone!

Feeling tired to download and set up a new repack? Not sure what to play?

This is also the problem we(mostly myself) have in the past few years.


At the very beginning, we decided to write a launcher that can start the database/web/auth/world automatically. And here is what it looks like.


It has the functions:

1, battlenet-like interface as you can see

2, start all processes automatically with just one click.

3, start wow and login automatically

4, restart process upon crash.

We used it for a while for our own repack and test purpose and feeling quite convenient.

However, when thinking a little bit more, we wanted to do more beyond the starter/launcher, so we’re here to make the source public, it isn’t good, but you could use it for your own repack or

You can find the source here:


And you can find a sample repack here on how you should use it.

FruGo platform

There’re so many repacks through the internet, but for players, we are just too lazy to go through one by one. Some repack are good, while some are bad, and most of the time have to read through the setup process. So we are here to make an open-source game platform which everyone can make repack and publish, and all player can just click one button to download and start the emulator. Also, it sometimes boring to just play wow, so other game will also be welcomed, tools and guide for the game may also be added so we can just click and play.

And here we go!






As you can see, it is a platform that you can filter and click to download the game, you can rate it as well.

We are expecting the final exe to have the below functions

1, fast download repack and quick start(done)

2, remove-install (done)

3, comment (partially done)

4, upload your repack (done)

5, manage your repack (WIP)

6, adding more games (WIP)

7, wow client download (TBD because clients are big. But we can probably support 112 243, and 335 someday)

8, game labeler(done)

9, game filter(partially done)

10, adding private server list and acting as a launcher (TBD, probably not happen, Pserver is rather complicated those days)

No-Server Principle of the platform

By saying no-server it means no personal server to host the repack/game file, all file is stored in GitHub/GitLab by zipping and separate them. End-user doesn’t need to have an account for it. Just download and play. While if you wish to publish your fav game you then will need an account to zip and split the file in a specific format. Raw data can either be inside GitHub or GitLab, also some people inside aisa may much faster to access gitee.

The exe will fetch JSON file for a repack list then get the detail file particle including hash data to compare the local and check whether if an update is needed.

Can I publish my repo to this platform?

I can imagine there won't be many players who still interest in the single-player repack, so In the future, we will collect and publish most of the games, which I think would be plenty for most of us.

but if you wish to make repack and publish, you can always make a pr in a specific format.

Here is the repack list JSON(we may move it to GitHub later)


and for the repack file, here is an example of it.

we have the function ready to do the batch processing including create a repo, zip file, split and generate the hash. You will have to input the git username and password.

Open Source?

Yes, the final goal is open source. However, We will have an alpha version just an executable release.

The reason is that currently, the interface is using some closed source dll I will have to replace it,
the other reason is there may don’t have much activity or interest in this so opensource an unfinished/not clean code is not a preferred.

BETA version ETA:
This month!


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