Trial Member
- 3
- 2020
- 1
This Repack is based on vmangos with the Brotalnia database.
Repack Features:
Core: vMaNGOS
Database: Brotalnia
Registration website
Downloads section on the web
Status and connected to the server from the web
Portable MySQL database
Apache and portable php
Database management by PhpMyAdmin
Server Features:
Progressive realm from version 1.2 to 1.12.1
Raids and functional dungeons
Playerbot party
Custom sellers in IslaGM
Databases in Spanish
This Repack is ready to unzip in any folder on your computer or server and work. We will explain the steps and requirements for its implementation.
You must have Windows 10 updated
You need a program to unzip the file from the server (winrar, winzip, p7zip, etc.)
You must install Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
The first thing we will do is install if we do not have Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 on our computer. We can download it directly from this link.
With this installed, we are going to download the repack from my website: catlinux.es
Once downloaded, we unzip it in the location we want on our computer and proceed to check the routes and execute.
When unzipping, we find the following folder and its content:
We execute the PanelControl file and the application with which we will load the services and start our server will appear.
To configure the panel, we must make sure that the paths of the necessary files are properly configured. We will follow the pictures below:
We must do the process for each of the 4 services.
Nº1 - First we click on the Apache flag.
Nº2 - A new window opens and we click on the icon to search for the route.
Nº3 - We navigate through the Classic World / Processes folders and select the Apache file.
Nº4 - The route appears in the settings window. We do not change the name of the process.
We close the Apache Settings window by the cross on the top right. We already have the first service configured.
For MySQL we do the same process choosing the MySQL file from the same folder.
Finally, for the Logon and Kingdom services, we must enter the Classic World / Classic route and we will choose:
In logon: The realmd.exe file
In Kingdom: The mangosd.exe file
With this we already have all the services configured to operate our server.
The databases are now ready to go and the server configuration files have the necessary settings to get started.
We are going to start each of the processes, starting with Apache. If we have the Windows Firewall activated, it will ask us if we give it access. We will confirm it, otherwise it will not allow our server to work.
We continue with MySQL and finish with the two server services, Logon and Reino. We will also allow you access to all three so that everything works properly.
As you can see, all the flags appear in green, which means that the processes are active.
There is an Administrator account created, at the end of the post I will put the account information and the MySQL data. If we want to create more accounts, we will enter the server page. We open our web browser and write localhost
We go to the Registration section and simply fill in the fields.
On this website we have links to download the game client and we can also see the status of the server and the people who are connected with information on level, class, race and faction.
Another utility that we have is a MySQL manager. I have added PhpMyAdmin to avoid having to have third-party programs. To access the MySQL manager we will only write in our address bar:
localhost / phpmyadmin
I think it is a fairly complete Repack, which has everything necessary to make it easy to operate and offers us a server that works very decently in its Classic version of the game.
Repack Download:https://catlinux.es/repack-de-world-of-warcraft-classic/
Client Download:https://mega.nz/#!qGpXAAIZ!QhQx5WQTWiIn1Ylb5FTFPpSmilGRi2qfgxZYC_ahvOw
Game admin user: classic
Password admin game: mangos
Admin classic account level: 6
Mysql connection user: classic
Password connection mysql:mangos
Create account: account create NAME PASSWORD
accounts permissions: account set gmlevel NAME NUM_LEVEL (between 1 and 6)
.partybot clone - Create an identical bot to your pj
.partybot add tank - create a level 60 tank bot
.partybot add healer - create a level 60 healer bot
.partybot add dps - create a DPS bot
.partybot remove - remove the bot you have selected
.partybot pause - pause the selected bot
.partybot pauseall - pause all bots you have
.partybot unpause - unpause the bot you have marked
.partybot unpauseall - unpause all bots
All bots are created at level 60, equipped and with talents placed less with the "clone" command
Clarification: This is a copy and paste of another forum, I only put it together better to the post to share it with you, excuse my English, since I speak Spanish and I am using google translator
to deactivate the server restart mode just put the command
.server restart cancel
Creator of the repack: WowIsland - Catlinux.es
Translations: eswow2 - WowIsland - Catlinux.es
Core and database: vmangos - Brotalnia
ContolPanel: Zaxer