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[Release] Official EmuCoach GM Tools v1.0

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Hello everyone at EmuCoach!
I have developed a tool to help Server Hosts/GMs, mainly using the EmuCoach Repack (which might work with other repacks)!
I've grown tired of having to constantly remember the command to create my account with the proper GM level, and having to go through so much effort to see my character's inventory and actually know what's inside it. I've also created my own CharMigrator, something similar to CharImporter (at the time I didn't know CharImporter still works with our latest version), however it's all under 1 application, my GM Tools!
I will possibly add more tools in the future, and would love your ideas!

.NET Framework 4.5





The account creator enters the commands for you into the worldserver.exe, so once you click "Create Account", don't click/interact with anything else for a few seconds to make sure the account is created.
When modifying a character's inventory, you want to make sure that character is *logged out* of the game, or else it could cause some issues.

GM Tools v1.0.zip - Virus Scan by VirusTotal

This is available to download without posting anything. I would prefer that people give me a genuine "thanks" instead of one that doesn't mean anything.
While a "thank you" is very much appreciated, it is not required.

- No Updates Yet.


  • GM Tools v1.0.zip
    314.2 KB · Views: 913
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Gold Supporter
Very nice! I was just about to start searching the forum for instructions to transfer characters from my current version 6 of the repack to the new 8.1 version that I will be downloading as soon as my VIP Gold status updates. Excellent, thank you for creating this.

Do you have a tool to create/edit/equip characters on an account to use as playerbots like in V 8.1?
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Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Very nice! I was just about to start searching the forum for instructions to transfer characters from my current version 6 of the repack to the new 8.1 version that I will be downloading as soon as my VIP Gold status updates. Excellent, thank you for creating this.

Do you have a tool to create/edit/equip characters on an account to use as playerbots like in V 8.1?

Do you mean editing the playerbots themselves?
I don't think that's entirely possible, unless I use hotkeys, which I don't like dealing with those. Also if I remember correctly, the method for kotkeys will work on some PC's but not others, so it's not the best/preferred option.

Or do you mean create a new character and add/modify everything on that character, like armor, stats, title, etc?
In that case, I was already planning on making something like that, but it will be a while before it happens as I'm about to lose most of my free time starting this Friday.


Gold Supporter
Yes, I was thinking of creating a character and modifying it. I will look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future. In the meantime, I need to dust off my sql knowledge I think, LOL. It's been a while but it's like riding a bike, it will all come back. Maybe I can find some sql snippets to use in the meantime.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Yes, I was thinking of creating a character and modifying it. I will look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future. In the meantime, I need to dust off my sql knowledge I think, LOL. It's been a while but it's like riding a bike, it will all come back. Maybe I can find some sql snippets to use in the meantime.

That will take a bit of time for sure, as I'll need to look into inventory types, class/subclass and whatnot in the item_template db. In order to make it, it would take quite some time in order to load.
I don't know if you've used my inventory viewer in my GM Tools, but it would take longer, if not the same length, to search than it would to search an inventory with names enabled.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
Thank you. Downloaded, snagged a tool pic, and made a text doc of your explaination. Will look at this when I am up to the challenge. "my post your commenting in has rteally worn me down" lol :eek:
Thank you for sharing, and replying to the post. :)

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Thank you. Downloaded, snagged a tool pic, and made a text doc of your explaination. Will look at this when I am up to the challenge. "my post your commenting in has rteally worn me down" lol :eek:
Thank you for sharing, and replying to the post. :)

Let me know if you find any bugs with it. It is a v1 and so far no one has reported any bugs, so it's either completely bug free, or it's barely being used.
I don't know what to update unless I know what needs to be changed/added/removed


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I will try this when I feel better. If I am not able to iggure it out. I'll admitt it. If I can use it? I'll tell you how it works bro. At least you'll have a perspective from a shadetree dummy? lol :D


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Veteran Member
i've found a few issues.
when typing the mysql details manually including port number. say your port is 3310. it will still try to connect via 3306. and give netframe errors.
i got around the problem by changing my port for mysql back to 3306.

exporting accounts and characters.
where exactly does it export to?
because when i exported, it never gave me any option to export to a file or anything.

Inventory Viewer
doesn't work my side. when i search for anything it says
"No MYSQL Server Detected"
followed by unhandled exception.

See the end of this message for details on invoking 
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at GM_Tools.InvViewer.Button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
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Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Wow, this is cool. Thanks for all your hard work and countless hours!
Here's what I found when exporting and importing from old emucoach db to new. I download newest available this week and saw the GM Tools also, so I just had to test drive CharMigrator. Export looks as though it works, it says so. (I don't see a dump file though). When importing, I fill in the proper db names for auth and char, in this case emucoach-auth and emucoach-char. No matter what I name them in the importer, I get an error.
Authentication to host '' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Unknown database 'emucoach_auth_v8_vip'.
So it turns out, the import portion of the character migration doesn't like the default db names changed. It will never find the _v8_vip db, because it doesn't exist. The export allowed me to change the names and it seems to work good. The import doesn't play as nice! :)
I'm really excited about this app too, it will really allow me to keep more up to date on repacks as new ones come out.
This is the coolest stuff ever. Thanks for all your hard work!


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hey Mr.Satan,
Is there a way to modify the Import database names so they stick? The way it looks now, when you changed the defaults to suit the current ones, it doesn't seem to overwrite the baked in defaults.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Hey Mr.Satan,
Is there a way to modify the Import database names so they stick? The way it looks now, when you changed the defaults to suit the current ones, it doesn't seem to overwrite the baked in defaults.

It should auto-save it? The method I used for saving it is a 'setting' I think, so it's based on the location of the file. If you move it, all changed settings set back to default.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
It should auto-save it? The method I used for saving it is a 'setting' I think, so it's based on the location of the file. If you move it, all changed settings set back to default.

Thanks for getting back so fast! It's strange eh? :) It seems to do the export portion; it take quite a while but appears to get it done (but, where does it save the data, I don't see any .sql files). But then when you do the import, you can of course enter the db names, but when it crashes it reads as though it's unable to log into the database because there is a problem, and it prints the default _vip database in the crash. It's not remembering the database entered. Strange eh?

Is there a list of tables that should be dumped? What if we were to just dump those tables to a .sql file and re-import the .sql, would that work? I'm eyeballing my way through the tables looking for things that may matter, such as -auth: Accounts, -char: account data, characters_(everything), guild_(everything), and mail_(everything). Other than those, I don't know yet, but I'll start with these... if this even works doing it from a sql export/import.
I suppose you have to do seperate .sql exports eh? One for -auth and another for -char?

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Thanks for getting back so fast! It's strange eh? :) It seems to do the export portion; it take quite a while but appears to get it done (but, where does it save the data, I don't see any .sql files). But then when you do the import, you can of course enter the db names, but when it crashes it reads as though it's unable to log into the database because there is a problem, and it prints the default _vip database in the crash. It's not remembering the database entered. Strange eh?

Is there a list of tables that should be dumped? What if we were to just dump those tables to a .sql file and re-import the .sql, would that work? I'm eyeballing my way through the tables looking for things that may matter, such as -auth: Accounts, -char: account data, characters_(everything), guild_(everything), and mail_(everything). Other than those, I don't know yet, but I'll start with these... if this even works doing it from a sql export/import.
I suppose you have to do seperate .sql exports eh? One for -auth and another for -char?

To be completely honest, I can't remember how I did it. I'm not sure if I created a .sql file with it, or if it just copies everything to a textbox and then 'inserts it' line by line.
Knowing me, I probably did the latter due to trying to hack it together so it worked instead of perfecting it.
It's been a while since I've coded anything, mostly since I've gotten my new computer. All the source codes for everything I've worked on is on my old laptop, and I haven't had the time to check it out, especially since there's some future ideas for EC I have to set up for :hush:

While I might have been quick to reply, I might take a lot longer before I'm able to get back to this and fix/tidy it up. I do intend to get back to it, but I've no idea when. I had another idea to make a launcher for the cata repack/client as a whole, with this GM tools stuff inside it, so I don't know if I'll end up waiting for that, or fix this current tool. Sorry I can't help too much on it. In the meantime I would recommend using CharImporter, it's a bit weird sometimes I guess but it definitely works.


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Veteran Member
I hear ya! It ain't easy putting brains in this, and then that, and back into this. I have trouble with that too. Especially after a full day at work, and especially putting brains back into old/forgotten memories. I'll fiddle with what tables work for me at least, but that may not be very fast, haha!
Oh ya, and I tried CharImporter, but since I don't have a windows PC, it's proven to be a real pain in the ... Wine... GM Tools loads and runs pretty good in Wine though. But I'll try it again, thanks. Maybe I'll put windows 10 in a VM and test drive it there. :/
Thanks MS,