Verified Member
- 27
- 2019
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- Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Hello Everyone!
So I have a Mac and I couldn't find any Emucoach Repack for Mac so as I create a little Launcher to make easier for launching Apache, MySql, Auth and World with Wine
I don't know if this will help someone but let's try
I personally don't like to use Emucoach trough VirtualMachines because we ended using too much recourses than using Wine.
So if you don't have Wine installed on your Mac do this:
1 - Download Xquartz:
2 - Install Xquartz you will need to log out and login again.
3 - Download Wine:
4 - Install Wine maybe you will need to open Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> General Tab -> Allow Wine
5 - You Need to first type winecfg when oppening Wine Stable app for config wine
So if you want there's another way to install Wine, this time using Homebrew:
0 - (If you don't have Homebrew) Open Terminal and paste the following command
1 - Now paste this command to install Xquartz:
2 - Now paste this command to install Wine:
OBS: I don't remember if this way you need to type winecfg first to config wine on first use.
You also need install the RequiredFiles like vcredist with wine before using the Launcher, in the next version I will put an installer for this in the Launcher too.
To install the RequiredFiles with wine you just need to: Open Terminal -> Type wine -> Drag the .exe installer to the terminal -> Run.
The macLauncher V. 1.2 stills very poor on functions I hope to make better stuff on future updates, I'am very noob programmer, this was my first Mac app.

ATENTION: In the macLauncher folder you will find some apps (,,, startMysql, they are the scripts necessary for the works and they are already included at but in my old MacBook running High Sierra I have faced some problems with the macLauncher not opening them from the inside .app folder so I included them at this folder for better work, you can put the at your applications folder if you want without the folder and you can put the macLauncher folder in any place you want.
ATTENTION 2: There's another app inside the macLauncher folder the, this is a second option if the main app macLauncher don't work you can try the, and also for OS X 10.6 and 10.7 this maybe works as well.
You need to config the Launcher on the first run by clicking on "Settings", you can drag the folders to the text field if you want(is the easy way in fact).
OBS: You need to drag or type the path to the right folder
First -> _Server Folder Location
Second -> Mysql BIN Folder Location
Third -> Core Folder Location
If you put any wrong path the macLauncher will not work
The Launcher will create 3 files on your Documents folder CoreConfig.txt, ApacheConfig.txt, MysqlConfig.txt, if you want you can edit this 3 files to change the Folders Path or just click "Settings" again on Launcher.
After Configuration just click "Start" in this order: Mysql -> Auth -> World / Apache is Optional
The launcher will open some Terminal Windows(maybe you need to give permission) running the server trough Wine be happy
V. 1.1 = Now you don't need to delete CoreConfig, ServerConfig and ApacheConfig anymore to configure the Launcher again.
V. 1.2 = Added compatibility with more macOS's versions.
OBS: I only tested with Mojave and High Sierra for now but the macLauncher must work with any macOS 10.8+ (I will test with Parallels).
OBS2: Maybe the works on 10.6 and 10.7 but I still need to test.
Download macLauncher 1.2 support macOS 10.8+ :
Download Xquartz + Wine:
Edit: I only tested with Emucoach 4.3.4 Repack but I think that the Launcher Will work with any Repack of any wow version. Will only work with repacks that the auth and world are named as "authserver.exe" and "worldserver.exe"
So I have a Mac and I couldn't find any Emucoach Repack for Mac so as I create a little Launcher to make easier for launching Apache, MySql, Auth and World with Wine
I don't know if this will help someone but let's try
I personally don't like to use Emucoach trough VirtualMachines because we ended using too much recourses than using Wine.
So if you don't have Wine installed on your Mac do this:
1 - Download Xquartz:
2 - Install Xquartz you will need to log out and login again.
3 - Download Wine:
4 - Install Wine maybe you will need to open Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> General Tab -> Allow Wine
5 - You Need to first type winecfg when oppening Wine Stable app for config wine
So if you want there's another way to install Wine, this time using Homebrew:
0 - (If you don't have Homebrew) Open Terminal and paste the following command
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
1 - Now paste this command to install Xquartz:
brew cask install xquartz
2 - Now paste this command to install Wine:
brew install wine
OBS: I don't remember if this way you need to type winecfg first to config wine on first use.
You also need install the RequiredFiles like vcredist with wine before using the Launcher, in the next version I will put an installer for this in the Launcher too.
To install the RequiredFiles with wine you just need to: Open Terminal -> Type wine -> Drag the .exe installer to the terminal -> Run.
The macLauncher V. 1.2 stills very poor on functions I hope to make better stuff on future updates, I'am very noob programmer, this was my first Mac app.

ATENTION: In the macLauncher folder you will find some apps (,,, startMysql, they are the scripts necessary for the works and they are already included at but in my old MacBook running High Sierra I have faced some problems with the macLauncher not opening them from the inside .app folder so I included them at this folder for better work, you can put the at your applications folder if you want without the folder and you can put the macLauncher folder in any place you want.
ATTENTION 2: There's another app inside the macLauncher folder the, this is a second option if the main app macLauncher don't work you can try the, and also for OS X 10.6 and 10.7 this maybe works as well.
You need to config the Launcher on the first run by clicking on "Settings", you can drag the folders to the text field if you want(is the easy way in fact).
OBS: You need to drag or type the path to the right folder
First -> _Server Folder Location
Second -> Mysql BIN Folder Location
Third -> Core Folder Location
If you put any wrong path the macLauncher will not work
The Launcher will create 3 files on your Documents folder CoreConfig.txt, ApacheConfig.txt, MysqlConfig.txt, if you want you can edit this 3 files to change the Folders Path or just click "Settings" again on Launcher.
After Configuration just click "Start" in this order: Mysql -> Auth -> World / Apache is Optional
The launcher will open some Terminal Windows(maybe you need to give permission) running the server trough Wine be happy
V. 1.1 = Now you don't need to delete CoreConfig, ServerConfig and ApacheConfig anymore to configure the Launcher again.
V. 1.2 = Added compatibility with more macOS's versions.
OBS: I only tested with Mojave and High Sierra for now but the macLauncher must work with any macOS 10.8+ (I will test with Parallels).
OBS2: Maybe the works on 10.6 and 10.7 but I still need to test.
Download macLauncher 1.2 support macOS 10.8+ :
Download Xquartz + Wine:
Edit: I only tested with Emucoach 4.3.4 Repack but I think that the Launcher Will work with any Repack of any wow version. Will only work with repacks that the auth and world are named as "authserver.exe" and "worldserver.exe"
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